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Keri Starkel Beginning of paper for 2006-2056

When you consider how a persons life is going to change over the course of fifty years there are many factors to consider. You must understand what their lifestyle is, their routine, what they did for a living, how they lived. First viewing at how certain lives we like back in 2006 to how we think they will become over the next fifty years. We first view the life of a Chinese farmer and what his daily tasks was, what he did for a living and his daily life. We then changed careers around greatly and viewed the life of a U.S. software engineer. We then viewed the life of an African parent and how different of a life that was from the others. We fast forward fifty years and take a look at how the lives of the Chinese Farmer, U.S. Software Engineer, and the African Parent will be in the year 2056. The daily life of the Chinese Farmer that lived in Shanghai will still have the same in 2056. By then the Chinese currency will be as close to the same amount of the dollar. He has reached a point where he has accepted that technology to get a computer. He still gets up every day to work on the farm. He still grows food for his family and shops at the local market. For his entertainment he still tries to go to movies with his family whenever he has time. The Chinese Farmers greatest worry is that he will lose his source of income and be unable to provide for his family.

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