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The Paramount Chief of Essikadu Traditional Area, Nana Kobena Nketsiah V, encouraged students of Christ the King Methodist

Preparatory School- Takoradi, to emulate the character of the late President, urging them to take on his qualities of modesty, humility, patience and hard work. He asserted that the hallmark of every great educationist is discipline and a high sense of moral uprightness, encouraging the children to take on these strategies for a successful career. He called for parents, school management and students to collaborate to ensure quality education delivery. It is the passing of the late President that instilled this spirit of unity and renewed hope for a better future. Whats more, at the Eastern Regional Youth Organizer of Peoples National Convention (PNC), Nana Bonsu suggested that Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, the current Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, be made the new Vice President. His connections with personalities across the political divide will help forge good relations between the presidency and the various political groups across the country. More importantly, because of his tolerance and work with youth, witnessed during his time as Eastern Regional Minister, the presidency will be more accessible to them. The sudden death of the president has caused the country to unite and with this emerged the issues at the heart of all Ghanaians: the development and education of the youth. Although factors such as child trafficking are ever present, it is clear that they are issues of utmost importance. The words of Nana Kobena Nketsiah V and thoughts of Nana Bonsu suggest that barriers between the presidency and the youth need to be broken, in order for even those who are most deprived, to feel that there is hope for a bright future away from the injustice of child labour. At YDG we strive to achieve this sense of hope and unity amongst Ghanaian youth. Onsse Hassan, YDG Junior Journalist.

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