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Lesson Objectives: 1) To be able to know what meditation is and to understand how Buddhists use meditation to enhance their faith (Level 4)

2) To be able to experience elements of Buddhist meditation through relaxation techniques (Level 5)

Take a few minutes to listen to the music, how does this music make you feel, think? Disuss

Worship often means praying to a God or gods and for this reason many Buddhists do not like using the word. Buddhists may worship on their own or in groups. There is no special day of the week when they meet for worship but days before the moon is new, full or at half moon are important.

1) For most Buddhist meditation is the most important part of worship. 2) They usually sit on the floor, often with crossed legs and try to empty their mind of all thoughts. 3) This means that they can focus on what is really important.


4) The point of meditation is to rise above any worries they may have. By meditating Buddhists believe that they will become better people and reach enlightenment.

Prayer Flags
Prayer flags are inscribed with favourable symbols, invocations, prayers, and MANTRAS. Tibetan Buddhists for centuries have planted these flags outside their homes and places of spiritual practice for the wind to carry the beneficent vibrations across the countryside. Prayer flags are said to bring happiness, long life and prosperity to the flag planter and those in the vicinity.

Task 1: 7 steps Buddhist relaxation techniques

1. Sit comfortably, on the floor or chair.
2. Class needs to be still and silent 3. Free your mind from thoughts, listen to the relaxation music

Relaxation techniques 7 minutes

4. Imagine you are in a calm place 5. Focus on the thoughts and images that come into your mind 6. Open your eyes slowly when music stops. 7. Whole class discussion, share thoughts on what you experienced.

Task 2

Create a prayer flag with either a prayer, invocation, favourite symbol or a mantra. Use colour or sugar paper

Describe the importance of Buddhist meditation.

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