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SELECT b.sid "Blocking SId", b.serial#, a.sid "Blocked SID", b.wait_class, b.seconds_in_wait, b.username "Blocking user", a.

username "Blocked user", c.type, c.lmode,c. request, c.id1,c. id2, b.action FROM sys.v_$session b, sys.v_$lock c, sys.v_$session a, sys.v_$lock d WHERE b.sid=c.sid and a.sid=d.sid and c.BLOCK=1 and d.request > 0 and c.id1 = d.id1 and d.id2 =d.id2 FIND CONCURRENT REQUEST ID FROM SID select f.request_id, v.spid,s.sid, s.username,s.serial#, s.osuser, s.status from v$process v, v$session s, applsys.fnd_concurrent_requests f where s.paddr=v.addr and f.oracle_process_id=v.spid and trunc(f.request_date)=trunc(sysdate) and sid=2836

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