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Paul ~ 1 Corinthians 15:10 August 6-10, 2012

Monday Read I Cor. 1:4-9: Paul teaches that we have been enriched in every way by Gods grace. What does vs. 8 assure us of? In whom does our security lie? Why will he keep us strong to the end Have you been relying on Gods grace or your own power? Tuesday Read 2 Cor. 12:7-10: Paul was an example of a man who ministered in the face of tremendous trials. What trial or hardship are you experiencing in your life? How are you handling the trial? Complaints? Worry? Anger? Do you feel the trial is too big for you to handle? What does vs. 8 teach about weakness? Are you willing to admit your weakness in this trial & trust God to be your strength? Ask God to be your strength in this trial. Watch for his provision. Wednesday Read 2 Cor. 1:12 and Rom. 12:2: Paul lived according to Gods grace and not by worldly wisdom. In Rom. 12:2 Paul reminds us not to be conformed to the patterns of this world. List ways that you are tempted to conform to worldly patterns. (These patterns can be subtle.) Do any of these patterns conflict with what you know of scripture? What does Rom. 12:2 explain is the solution to changing from the patterns of this world? How do you renew your mind? Look at Phil. 4:8 Thursday Read Romans 8:35-39, Psalm 20: Paul reminds us in Romans 8 of the power & security that we have in Christ. What does it mean to be a conqueror? What does it mean to be more than a conqueror (vs. 37)? Can anything separate a believer from the love of God? Do you ever feel like God is just not there? What do verses 35 & 39 teach about being separated from God? Psalm 20 is a prayer for a king prior to going into battle. Are you facing a battle in your life? What does Psalm 20 teach about the power & strength that is available to you? Friday Read Col. 3:1-17: Paul offers a reminder of how to live well. We have been called as believers to holy living. What does vs. 2 tell about where to have your focus? Look back at Rom. 12:2 & Phil. 4:8 for reminders of how to do this. Colossians 3:5-11 provides a list of reminders of what should not be part of your life. How are you doing in these areas? Commit to change at least one area. Colossians 3:12-17 illustrates what we should be striving for in our Christian walk. Pick one area to focus on this week. Allow God to renew you & grow you in this area.

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