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On the 29th of April 2011, a boy was reported missing by friends and relatives. Police began a huge search party to find this boy but did not find any leads or clues. But on the 22nd of May 2011, a journal was recovered at the local graveyard nearby. The journal was believed to be one of the boys belongings but the contents of the book fail to give them a logical answer. The journal was then published and edited for public viewing. The names of characters and places are kept secret to protect the familys identity.

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Chapter 1

Black Friday
Friday, 12.00am It was the middle of the night and I was walking back home. For those of you who are wondering why I was outside all alone in the middle of the night, well here is the answer. I was attending a party hosted by a friend of mine. Once I got there, I had a lot of trouble fitting in with the guys and girls. Soon, I decided to take my chances and walk back home. I have to admit this was not one of my brightest ideas Ive had in my life time. But you have to understand, I just failed my drivers license test and at a time like this, its hard to get public transportation. Anyway, I began my four kilometer journey back home. One hour past and all was quite. I still had a long way to go and I was getting a little tired of walking. All the shops lined up at the street I was walking were all closed. If I could hear any sound it was probably dogs barking or occasional cars passing by. I took a seat on a bench nearby a local park. There was no activity at the park. Just the sound of crickets on their nightly activities. As I sat I began to realize that if I continue walking like this I would probably reach home just in time for breakfast. I looked around for alternative routes back home and spotted one. The graveyard nearby. The local graveyard was said to be haunted by unimaginable beings. I didnt believe in ghost. At least at that time I did not. I looked at my watch and then to the graveyard. If I take the path across the graveyard I would reach home sooner. I decided to take a leap of faith and began my journey. I walked towards the entrance and ignored the no entry sign. As I began walking down the familiar path, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I ignored this too because of there was no reason to fear a graveyard. Ever since I was a boy, people have been telling me stories of ghost and strange creatures that roam the streets at night. The graveyard happens to be their meeting point since there too much negative energy coming from the dead. Of course I never believed in these things. Stories are fun to hear but thats where it should stay. Friday, 1.00am

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When I was seven, my grandfather past away. Ever since the burial, my mother would take me to visit his grave often. Due to this I knew the graveyards pathway well. Even now as I walked I noticed that the path had not changed at all. The only thing that has changed is the graves themselves. When I last came here, it was a vast empty land. Now it has been filled by hundreds of tombstones. As I sunk back to my childhood memories, I froze all of a sudden. I heard something. It was a giggle. It sounded like it had come from a girl. At first I thought it was just a figment of my imagination until I heard it again. For a moment it sounded like as if it came from the trees. I looked up and saw nothing. I was puzzled by this but I figured that I was probably getting sleepy and was hearing things. I looked around me and then saw two figures at the back of me. They looked human except for one thing. Their feet were not touching the ground at all. I rubbed my eyes and the figures still looked the same. About seconds later, they began to move towards me. As the human figures got closer, I saw that they were stunningly beautiful. Each of them had sharp features and long hair. I could not tell what race they were but they were definitely not Malaysian. But then, who cares about race when the girl youre looking at so beautiful and in my case there were two of them. Both were giggling as they approached me. Less than two meters away and I knew something was not right. The two girls had eyes of a predator very much like the eyes of a shark. I began to feel that shiver running down my spine again. And something was not right, the girls came towards me the glided not walked. As they giggled I could see that they had fangs. Their quite smile was starting to push me off my edge. I could tell that they were reading my body language very well. I was sure they knew that I was afraid of them and if anything were to happen to me, no one would know. I was starting to feel stupid leaving my friends party after all. As Ive said earlier, this was not one of brightest ideas that Ive thought off. In this situation, I realized there was only one thing left to do. Run. And thats what I did. I ran down the path as fast as I could. There was no shelter for me here or anywhere around the graveyard. I got behind a big tombstone and hid. Once there I looked back and saw the girls were chasing me but lost my trail. As they looked around for me, they flew and dived around trees but could not locate me. Watching this I realized that these girls were not human at all. By their characteristics it could only mean one thing. Whatever these creatures are, people have told about women and teenage girls dying of childbirth or dying to an unreported murder or accident becoming vampires or Pontianak. The women would then become one of the un-dead and will 4|Page Page

terrorize a certain location mainly the place they died. I could only guess that these girls were probably murdered here. As walked the path, I must have disturbed their terrorizing area. I looked again over the tombstones. The vampires turned out to have given up and slowly flew back to the path that brought me here. For a while I was too afraid to leave the area. As looked around I then realized that I had lost the path I had been following. There many tombstones around me and they all looked alike. For a moment, I did not know what to do. Then I felt movement. This movement was coming from beneath my feet. I looked down and noticed the ground moving. I moved back to get a better look. It looks as if someone or something was struggling out of the grave. More questions were popping in my head then answers. Then it happened. A hand emerged out of the soil. As I looked around, more hands were emerging from the graves. I panicked for a while. I did not know what to do. Even if I ran, I would not know where to go. If I screamed, no one would hear me. I took steps away from the zombie emerging graves. As most of the individuals were out of the grave, I felt like I was watching the Walking Dead back home. As they walked towards me, they do so in a clumsy state. I began move away from these zombies. I looked rapidly around. I tried to look for the graveyard path. Then for some reason, I just found it. With that moment of joy, I ran towards it. I turned back a realized that the zombies were too slow to chase me. I tried my very best to pant as softly as possible to avoid any sound as I ran. I did not want to attract any more unwanted attention. I mean at the end of the day, all I want to do is go back home. Yet here I am running for my life from inhuman like creatures. I kept on running, determined not to turn back. Friday, 2.00am As reached the end of the graveyard path, decided to stop and wait. I was too tired and needed to rest. I looked back and realized that something was chasing me. It was a bear. Or at least it was the size of a bear. Even with my blurry vision I could tell that it had dog like features. I wanted to run again. I figured if I could at least get outside the graveyard borders, I might be free from these nightmarish creatures. The problem was I too weak to move my legs. So instead of running, I collapsed instead. I could feel my lungs breathing inward and outward rapidly. I said a final prayer for my past sins. Soon Page the creature from hell arrived at me. As I regain some of my energy back, I opened my eyes to stare face to face with a werewolf. 5|Page

I braced myself for the pain but it never came. It seemed as if werewolf thought I was dying and so stared down in curiosity. Im not surprised. With this terrifying creature, many would have fought back but in my case, I just sat still. The werewolf continued to stare at me so I did the same. It was working, but for how long? Sooner or later, hes going to realize Im a good meal either way. Suddenly, the werewolf jumped off me and took off. I slowly got up and looked around. What if another creature more terrifying than a werewolf was coming? Then, a bright light shone at me. It was from a torch light. I got to my feet and realized it was the graveyard keeper. I tried to explain my situation and what happened to me that night but he did not believe me. He thought I was under the influence of alcohol and now was making up stories to get away with it. He dragged me back to his headquarters and sat me down. He then dialed the numbers on the phone and rang up the police. Friday, 3.00am Im sure you could guess that when the police arrived, they did not believe me either. To make matters worse, I was not carrying my identity card when I went for the party. The police then handcuffed me and took me to their car. As I walked with them, I heard that strange giggle again. I looked up and saw two beautiful figures up on a tree staring down at me. For a moment, felt the shiver again. But as I got into the police car, I was relieved that I was out of danger. I was taken to the police station. There I gave my details and contact numbers of my parents. I was drugged test but it came out negative. So I was only charged with trespassing on private property. Soon my parents arrived and took me back home. Of course, I was not allowed to go out for late night parties after this. Soon, I reached back home and I tucked myself for bed. Despite what Ive through my parents insisted that I go to school tomorrow. Friday, 12.00pm Twelve hours has passed since I made the daring idea of taking the shortcut back home through the graveyard. My friends never believed me when I told them. Come to think of it, even I have a hard time telling myself that it was real instead of a dream. What do you think?

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Chapter 2

Bloody Saturday
A man can die and live too. People believe that if you die before your time, your spirit lingers around earth until your time of judgment came. One day after my terrible experience, I meet such a spirit. He looked like a man only paler. If you have seen Edward Cullen from the movie Twilight, then youd know about his pale face. Imagine his pale face clearly in your mind and multiply it by three, you get this guy. Anyway, this man kept staring and turning around, as if he was a baby new to its surroundings. No one appears to be noticing him. Until he noticed me. You see, I can give you a lot of details about a ghost because I actually saw one. He ran up to me. He then came up to me and told me who he was. He was a wealthy man. But also a bad one. He told me that he was murdered, but it was his punishment for what he did. Strange, the newspaper said suicide. Who murdered him? And why did he say he deserve it too? Well, this was his story from his perspective. Saturday, 10.00am It was a lovely Saturday morning. Well, at least for most people it is. But it was not for me. You see, my wife died and was being buried at the cemetery at that very moment. It may be a shocker but I took it on bravely. The priest then asked me to say my final words to her. I had that all written out on a piece of paper. To be honest I actually got it from the internet. Its cheaper and easier. I began my words with remorse and a little drama. My heart wasnt in to that funeral. I just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. I got my wish. The weather began to change so we had an excuse to get the coffin into the grave as quickly as possible. As soon that was done, I waited for the long line of people who offered their condolences over my loss. I patiently waited for this end and soon I was driving home. Saturday, 1.00pm Rain drops began to fall on my front windows. The sun no longer felt visible in the sky. I began thinking about my wifes death. When the police investigators closed their case, it was reported that Page she had jumped from the balcony of our home. The fall killed her instantly. I laughed at this thought. My wife was a happy woman. She had no reason for suicide. I knew that well. So why did she do it 7|Page

anyway? Well, its easy. She was doing laundry on the balcony and someone she trusted with her life came towards her and pushed her off her balcony. And she didnt really die in an instant. She was in pain at least for a few minutes. She could not scream, because she could believe the person who did it. That person was me. The rain started to get heavier and I was determined to get back home as soon as possible. I began to make plans in my head. Tomorrow I am to collect the insurance on my wifes accident. Also, as her husband Im now entitled to her house. My wife is also the main shareholder of a cosmetics company. Those shares will now be mine. I would probably be quitting my job within a week once all the documentation has been done. Killing my wife was probably the best thing I ever thought of. And then, the moment that thought escaped me a chill ran through my spine. I dont know what caused it, only that it wasnt good. It could have been the rain. Or maybe Im just too excited about my new inheritance. I sped up my car to shorten my journey back home. Saturday, 2.00pm I walked back to my new house. At the front of the door, was the days newspaper. The delivery man must have delivered it and gone off. I picked it up and went inside. I sat down on the couch and began to read it. The front news shows the gruesome death of my wife and a bit of me at the side. Its wrong news, I thought. So flipped the pages and read the other articles. One strikes to be a funny one. One night after my wifes murder, a boy took a short cut at a graveyard and when he came out, he told the authorities very peculiar stories of vampires, werewolves and even zombies. Everybody knew that the graveyard was haunted by unknown beings so residents take the effort of not going to near the place after dark. Funny, thats the same place my wife was buried. I felt tired and moved on to take a short nap. I had a lot of things to do after this day ends anyway. Saturday, 7.00pm I woke up with a strange sound. It was a giggle. But as far as I knew, no one was at home but me. None of the relatives had the key so how could any of them get in? I got out of bed and walked towards the switch. When I turned it on, I was shocked to see blood on the floor. I checked myself to see if I was injured in any way. I wasnt. Is someone trying to play a joke on me? I walked out of the room and went to the living room. It was in a mess. All the furniture had been overturned and all the fragile decorations were in pieces. Just when I thought it couldnt get any 8|Page


worse, it did. The electricity from my housing area failed all of a sudden. The house was now totally pitched black. All I hear was the sound of heavy raindrops as they hit the ground outside. I felt defenseless against any threats that might be targeting me. Just then, a knock came to the door. I went towards it and opened it. Once the door opened I expected to meet someone. But there was no one outside. I closed back the door and turned around. And thats when I saw her. My wife was standing in front of me wearing a white robe. Her hair was different too. It was longer in length. And for some reason, she looked more beautiful than I could remember. She smiled at me. I could smell a sweet aroma coming out from her. But then, what was she doing here? Shes dead. I buried her. I saw her body in lifted down in to her grave. Yet this was what I saw. She looked at me and asked, why? I knew what she meant. I just could not bring myself to an answer. I loved you with my life. How could you betray that trust and do this me, she asked again. As she said this, tears flowed down from her eyes. I knew from my heart that she meant every word she said. My wife then wiped off her tears and gave me a serious stare. With an evil smile she said, Its lonely here without you at my side. Why dont you join me? She slowly moved closer to me. As she did that, the lovely smell became an awful stench. Her eyes began to darken like a shark and fangs slowly began to grow out of her mouth. I knew my wife was now a creature of the night and she has come for revenge. I felt strong hands grabbing my throat. I was then pulled to the balcony and pushed over. As I hit the ground, I felt the pain she had felt. This lasted for a moment, then all the things around me darkened and soon even the sound of raindrops also faded. Once the story finished, he too faded. I began to understand that sometimes life can be fair. Are we prepared for it? But it still does not add up to what I saw in that graveyard. I then finally made up my mind to look it up at the internet. What I would find there, I had no idea? But I do know that soon, someone will also be sharing my experience very soon.

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Chapter 3

Vampire Weekend
Last found records in my friends diary. Monday, 8.00am Its morning and not the morning everyone actually likes. Its Monday, which means that school, new homework, and lack of rest again. I was in no hurry. For me, Monday was not so bad. Just last Thursday night I held a slumber party for most of my friends. Most of them really enjoyed it. Which of course meant one thing; Im on my way to being the most popular guy in school. This was the actual plan, the real plan. Unfortunately, a friend of mine had to be a good spoil sport and spread rumors about mystical creatures that he had seen during his little trip down the local graveyard. His story is becoming a hit, making my Monday less important. I wished I could do something about it, but thats not to happen. Class was already buzzing with rumors of vampires and the dead coming out of their graves and walking about as if they were alive. How was this possible? Now I have known this guy who is claiming that these stories are true for a long time. Hes not the type of guy looking for attention. He already gets into trouble with discipline teachers every day, so why does he need to cook up stories that will make him look mad? One thing is for certain, if the stories are true then it wouldnt hurt to pay a little visit to the graveyard myself. If these creatures really exist, I wanted to see them with my own eyes. I began to make plans. I remember seeing this guy leaving my house at about 12.00am last Friday to go back home. Just like him, I will leave at the same time and also walk there. Just to be sure, I will bring torchlight to identify any nightmarish creature clearly. Monday, 8.00pm Dinner at my place was over. I was already busy checking out articles at the internet about the local graveyard. Turns out the graveyard is over a hundred years old and was rumored to be haunted after the sun sets. Ive never believed in ghost in my life. If theres anything out of the ordinary, there is surely a clear scientific explanation for it. There was only one thing that didnt seem right. The land is 10 | P a g e



not the property any church but private property of a rich man a long time ago. The land is now used a cemetery ever since the rich man died, since he did not state in his will what should be done with it. The land was taken by government ownership and had two caretakers to care for the land. Stories have always circulated around that it was haunted nut thats not going to stop me tonight. I had all my homework finished and cleaned out my room. I wanted to make sure my parents never found any secrets if I dont come back. Monday, 11.55pm The moment the alarm rang, I got out of bed and got ready. Its just going to be an evening walk and I will soon be back. I got out my house keys and unlocked the front door. I was determined not to make any sound. I didnt want my parents to wake up and spoil my plans. Once the door was opened, the cool breeze swept up upon me. I carefully closed the door behind me and set out. It had rained earlier that night so the air was cold and the ground was wet. I then set out to the haunted graveyard. Tuesday, 12.45am I reached the entrance of the graveyard and noticed the no entry sign. From outside I noticed that the graveyard looked ordinary and dead, just as it should be. I looked out for the graveyard keepers and as soon as I confirmed that the cost was clear, I walked in. Just like my friend, I followed the pathway that most people followed. Unlike him, I wasnt very familiar with the surroundings of the graveyard but I felt no sign of discomfort. I moved on, determined not to be scared over nightly animals or my own sounds. I continued to walk along the path and still nothing. But I was starting to get that chill down my spine. It is as if something wasnt right and I was starting to feel it. Several minutes had past and I was already one third of my journey across the graveyard. Its too late to turn back now. Or should I say, since I was already one third of my journey the only way to make out alive is by making it to the other side. I continued to move on and began to feel that I was not alone. Something was following me from the back. I turned around and saw nothing. Suddenly, theres movement from the bushes nearby. I took a few steps back. Just as the movement started, something emerged from the bushes. It looked like a bear. It had the size and body build of a bear. But bears dont exist in my area. And this animal had more dog-like



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features than of a bear. I realized then that my friend was telling the truth because I was standing face to face with a werewolf. The werewolf seemed surprised to see out here. Here moved closer to and began to sniff me all around. Then, he stares back at me. For a moment, it felt like we were at the staring into each others eye for the longest contest. I tried to control my breathing. But it was no use. I could tell he was reading me. Im sure he will know that I am really afraid of him. But just as the fear began, it ended. The werewolf found me to be uninteresting and started to walk away. I was surprised by this. Tuesday, 1.05am It took me several minutes to digest in what had just happened. I soon found the courage to move on. The first thing I decided to do is to apologize to my friend. He was right. There are night creatures here that we do not know of. But thats going to be something that can only happen if I make it out of here alive. I looked at the pathway. Its hard to imagine what else that could be hidden or waiting for me. I continued to move on. For some reason, I still felt like I was being followed. I increased my step lengths and continued my journey. Just then, I heard sounds, mostly whispers. Someone else was in the graveyard as well. Who else would want to be at a graveyard at this hour? As I entered the area where most of the cemeteries are, I noticed a crowd of people. I looked on to the crowd and wondered if a funeral was going on. Its a strange thing to do though, having a funeral in the middle of the night. I got closer to this crowd. Maybe Ill be safe with a number of people. I could just pretend that I was a friend paying my final respects to blend in. but as I got closer, I realized something. People mourning for someone would stand still and stay silent. These guys were moving around as if they were lost and forsaken. And another thing, at a time like this, wouldnt you want to have lights around the area? Or do they like it dark. As I got closer, I smelt rotten flesh all over the place. I looked closer at the crowd and realized most of them had beggars clothing. This must be their hang out area at night. I called out to one them. He turned slowly and looked at me. Thats when I got the shock of my life. Half his face looked as if it had been eaten up. Its enough that one undead guy was looking directly at me now. But as if responding to my call, the others looked too. They looked confused. Guess its every day they see a living guy walking around their graveyard. 12 | P a g e



I didnt wait for a moment. I just started to run. Tuesday, 1.30pm I followed the path I had come from. I was nearing the end of my journey. I sat down for a moment to regain my strength. I didnt want to stay in this place any longer. I looked around. I wanted to make sure I was safe. Just then, I began to smell a sweet fragrance coming from the trees. After my experience here, I wasnt going to take any chances. I looked out to the trees and I didnt see anything. Maybe Im imagining things. Just then, a voice spoke out. Over here, silly boy. I looked up to the tree I was leaning on. There she was. A pale looking girl wearing a white robe. She had short straight hair. I sure even you can tell by now that shes not human, but a vampire. She continued to smile at me and then said, You do know right that its not safe out here, especially at night. The contents of that diary ended. But then, that was his side of the story. While his adventure took place, I was going through my mine starting at Monday, 10.00pm It was late that night. Had a tough time at school that day. Many thought I was lying about my trip down that graveyard. But I knew what I saw. I was certain I wasnt going mad as well. So what actually happen to me? Well, last Friday I took a short cut down the local town graveyard to cut my journey short back home. My mistake was taking that route when it was the middle of the night. Till now I am glad that I got out of this tragedy alive. Of course, only you and I would know that. My friends? My parents? The society around me? Well, lets just say they think I made it up just to get attention again. I was famous for a lot of mischief. Now, the story of the boy that cried wolf is coming down on me. No one would believe now that I had actually seen something. Nobody but a friend of mine. This friend invited me to a party that he hosted that night. I had trouble fitting in so I took off early. As I said earlier in my writings, it was not one of my brightest ideas. Anyway, this friend of mine found my story interesting. Not that he believed me, but he always had the idea of proving others wrong. I said the graveyard was haunted; he made plans to go to that location and prove me wrong. I got a bit concerned about his intention but I could not stop him even if I tried. Hes usually determined to do what he sets out to do.



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Now that you have caught up on whats happening, lets get back to the present time which is now. I was doing research about the graveyard and found all kinds of weird stories. The graveyard itself is more than a hundred years old. Too bad my grandfather wasnt alive anymore. He would probably the history of this place like it was yesterday. Monday, 11.00pm An hour had past. I still had not found the reason or the cost on why the graveyard is inhabited by nightmarish creatures. Maybe Dracula settled down there a hundred years ago. I kept looking and something caught my eye. It was an old newspaper report, back in the 1990s. The report stated that a girl at the age of sixteen had gone missing from her neighborhood in that year. Not only that, she was last seen at the graveyard before disappearing. The sudden chill ran down my spine. This girl probably died a gruesome death if she did not come out of the graveyard. But another surprising about the article is that nobody was ever recovered or found. Then there was another report. A man had recently buried his wife at the very same graveyard. By going through his wifes profile, she was a very wealthy person. So its confusing to know why she would commit suicide by jumping down from her house balcony. This was her story, or at least thats what I thought. I continued to read though the story and realized that her husband was entitled to her wealth once her death certificate was issued. After she was buried, reports indicated that he got mad and trashed the house. Then in the pouring rain, he too jumped off the house balcony. It doesnt make sense. Why would a man kill himself after all hes been through? I began to guess that his wife may not have jumped after all. She then came back for revenge. Just as I thought it couldnt get any worse, there was another one. A mother of four was brutally murdered down at the entrance of the graveyard. The body was buried at the same place. The murderer was a serial killer on the loose. The police were able to connect him to the murder because he left his fingerprints on her mangled body. The police gave out a warning to all residents to keep a watchful eye for this man. They also began patrolling the area in the hopes of finally catching him but it never happened. But two days after the murder investigation was brought to a close, the police found him dead in an abandoned housing area. The police recovered his body and found two holes on his neck. Autopsy reports also later said that the body was perfectly healthy, but drain out of blood. It was a total mystery, but many thought his victim had finally got her revenge. Page 14 | P a g e


As I went through the articles, I realized that all victims got their revenge, except the teenage girl. Maybe shes still not dead? Slim chance of that. But if she was murdered by one of the creatures of the graveyard, what harm would she want to do to us? Tuesday, 12.00am Time soon caught up with me. I switched off my computer and turned in for bed. For now, I decided to put this matter to rest. As for my friend, he would probably learn the hard way what Ive just experience. If, he makes it out alive. Tuesday, 8.00am The sound of the school bell rang throughout the corridor. Its time to head back to class. As I moved, I bumped accidently to the new janitor of the school. She looked old and tired up but still strong when doing the job. I apologized for the accident and moved on. Just then, a cloud of doubt entered me. I had seen this woman somewhere. I couldnt remember where exactly but I knew I had seen her somewhere. I dismissed this doubt and head back to class. Once I had settled down on my seat, I waited for my friend. He sits right next to me and I was waiting for a scary story. But that never came. I went through the whole school session without seeing him. Not even a glimpse of him. After the thrilling story of my trip to that graveyard, I had no other friend except him. He was the only one who still listened to my story. Being absent to school could mean one thing, he now in a traumatic state. If he was dead, the school would have made the announcement. I made up my mind to make a visit to his home after school. Tuesday, 1.05pm School was almost over and I was beginning to rethink about my plans to see my friend after school. I was grounded, so I had to at least finish up all my homework before going out anywhere. And today, all the teachers had in their minds the ultimate torcher. I had a lot of work and assignments to complete. Two more minutes and I will be out of school only to do more work. This is just not my day. Then he school bell rang. Like a rocket taking off from base, all my classmates took off from their seats. I walked out slowly. I decided to take my time in this. I was in no rush to get anywhere. But 15 | P a g e



plays funny tricks on a persons mind and soon I was at the front gate. I looked up and spotted the janitor cleaning up a mess at the front gate. She swept and smiled at the students as they passed. As I passed by her, she smiled at me too. And for some reason, I realized why she looked familiar. I had seen her face on the photo next to the report about the woman that was murdered by someone. If shes still here, it would mean that we have a vampire cleaning up our school. I smiled back and moved on. I wanted to avoid suspicion. I had seen her before at the graveyard too. She was one of the female vampires that were on my trail when I took that shortcut. As I continued to think, I remembered that the other female vampire next to her was the murdered wife. So this puts my theory at rest, these vampires were still not at peace. If this ones here, I began to wonder where the other one was. Tuesday, 2.00pm I tried to focus on my homework. For some reason, homework can be fun to do when youre trying to forget something. Its more effective than drugs. Hours of work past, and soon I was resting at a corner. My parents were a little surprised by my new behavior. I had never shown this much of interest in finishing my work before. Just then, the phone rang. My mom answered it. She and the caller had a short conversation before putting down the receiver. She then walked up into my room and announced that my friend was coming over to have a sleep over at my place. Tuesday, 8.00pm My friend arrived in that evening and had dinner with my family. He kept his cool and said nothing suspicious. But soon dinner was over. I invited him to come into my room. He followed me from behind and in an instant, his face colour changed. He looked nervous. I decided not to tell me what Ive known so far. Once we reached my room I opened the door and switched on the lights. My friend came in behind me and closed the door. He turned to face me but then his whole body froze. He began to stare at a corner. I fearfully followed his gaze and realized we were not alone in the room. There was a girl; about sixteen years old standing in front of us. She smiled back and asked, Come on guys, why do you look so serious? I wish I could tell her that Ive read an article that has her picture on it and the article says shes dead. So, what reason could vampire tell us that could cool us off?

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Unfortunately, she did. She smiled again and said, Im not going to hurt you. I just want to be with a boy my own age again. After hearing that, I looked at my friend with confusion in my mind. She moved out of the room and went outside through the balcony. Both of us followed her outside too. She waited for us before speaking, I saw you passing by my home yesterday. As she said this, she pointed to my friend. I was beginning to regret challenging my friend to go in to that graveyard. Now we have a stalker.

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Chapter 4

Missing Wednesday
What is a stalker? Well let me define it. A stalker is person that engages in stalking others. The vampire girl in my room most certainly qualifies. I just learned that she had been following us since that night my friend went in to that graveyard. The vampire girl was having deep end conversations with my friend at one corner. She was enjoying herself, like cat enjoying a ball of thread. My friend felt like this was detention. But Im quite sure even he would agree with me that its better to make friends then getting killed by her. I decided to move on. I sat at the corner watching and observing. This girl is not evil. I could tell by her really friendly behavior. And with her age hormones, I doubt she managed to hang around boys and girls her own age. Im guessing she now has a crush with my friend! Now thats news. But since Ive raise the first suspense, its time to start the next one. Wednesday, 12.45am My neighborhood has been known to have one of the highest crime rates in the district. People often go missing or found dead. Of course the killer always gets caught by the end of the murder story but the victim stays dead. This however does not stop neighbors from carrying out daily activities outside the house. My guess is, the graveyard haunting story was made up to protect people from going to lonely places, as the location of the graveyard is a little far from towns and housing areas. Yet, people tend to take walks around its perimeter. Well, I guess its safe to walk on the pavement. Were not entering unwanted territory now are we? So my dear reader, learn from my theory mistakes of the past. Dont listen to me. These are creatures of the night, so anything can happen even if its not paranormal. Its not paranormal for workers from the local factory to come home around this time. Workers would be seen at the entrance, sharing the days stories and getting ready to get back home. One in particular strikes my attention. As my main tittle suggest, I will not mention his name. Lets just name him Mr. K. Mr. K was the factory manager. As the manager you would want to see big cars and big houses.



But not Mr. K. if youd known him, you would see a rented apartment, shared with two of his 18 | P a g e

workers. His vehicle, well believe it or not, its a bicycle. Unfortunately for that day, that bicycle was broken and needed repair. So for the first time of his life, Mr. K had no transport to get back home. Need a ride, asked one of his workers. Mr. K should have accepted that offer. But he politely refuses and starts his walk back home. He had other plans. He wanted to stop by a local bar and have a little drink. Stress comes fast to a manager and he wanted to get through it before the morning came out. As he walked, he could see the entire row of shops closed and darken in the absence of light. This was a good thing because he could see from a distance that the pub was open. Wednesday, 1.12am Mr. K drank as much as he could. He didnt want to get drunk but he really did want to forget. He looked at the corner of the building. A few guys were talking about a guy and wacky adventure down the local graveyard. He wasnt interested in stories that go on in the outside world. His perfect world lies in his office, and he wants to keep it that way. Just then, the bartender came up to him. That lady at the corner has just bought you a drink, he said before putting a glass of whisky in front of him. Mr. K looks at the corner and sees a woman there. She was staring at him, as if wanting to get his attention. If that was her motive, she was getting it. He picks up his glass and moves from his table to hers. He takes a seat. The woman continues to stare at him as if not wanting to miss a glance of his face. Mr. K was flattered but found it very disturbing. He was just an average guy. He was also an average manager of a local factory. He wasnt rich, so money was not her motive. Mr. K was roughly in his late forties, but she was in her early twenties. Who was this woman? We will soon find out. But for now, lets stop daydreaming of how she actually looks like and get back to my story. She moves closer to him. Mr. K moves closer too. He was single and never really found a woman in his life. What happens tonight will not act as a sin. He was starting to enjoy her company. But it was late. He only came for a drink. This was an unexpected surprise. So he tried to make leave. The woman however did not want to give in so easily. She coaxes him to the mens room. One night they met and they are already going to do something. He decides to go there with her.

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At about the same time this was happening, other things were taking place in my room. The vampire girl said her goodbye and promises to see my friend again tomorrow. Well, thats his problem. But its time to rest so I finally turned in to bed and switched off the lights. Wednesday, 1.05pm School had just finished and thankfully this time, I had no homework. I began to walk back home but took care not to walk to close to the vampire janitor again. I could trust the vampire girl, but not her. Not after what happened that day at the graveyard. I began to walk casually back. Just like yesterday, I was in no hurry to get back home. I decided to stop by at the local newspaper shop to see whos missing this time. Once I got there, I found out. Mr. K was last seen at his factory walking back home. Reports indicated that he never reached home. The authorities had asked for public to come forward with any piece of information that might help find Mr. K. well, last time I tried they didnt believe me. I put the newspaper down and noticed someone following me. Its a boy about seventeen years old. Looks like another potential vampire. He had sharp features and a very pale look. Only one problem, his eyes were blue. This means hes human. Once he realizes that he has been seen, he makes no effort to hide himself. Instead, he walks right up to me. The cold chill began to run down my spine as he got closer. But strangely, I felt no fear. For some reason, I felt that either hes evil or a vampire was nearby. He finally reached me. He looked at from top to bottom, trying to get an impression of who I really was. Then he smiles and says, Nice news right?

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Chapter 5

Dark Demon Rising

When I was five years old, my grandfather used to tell me many types of horror stories that he had heard from distant lands. He was a sailor during his younger days. He was even involved in the war that took place in World War II. His job was to man the ship while the soldiers kept a sharp eye for enemy ships. Anyway, he told a variety of ghost stories such as vampires, werewolves, and ghost spirits. But he only had one demon story to tell me. It was the story of the Deceiver. The Deceiver was a clever demon that roamed around the world looking for lost souls. While most demons use temptation, he uses agreements. And because of him, many are in hell. Some may even say hes better than the devil when it comes to sin. The Deceiver can approach to a human being in any form. It can be an animal. It can be a friend. It can even be your parents. He was smart but evil never wins over good so not everyone sees him. The Deceiver was once again roaming the streets and noticed something. A man. A rich man was walking down the road in the late 1960s. He was sick and old. He was no longer the powerful man he once was. The Deceiver watched him from far. He could tell that he once had a son, whom he loved so much. This boy was dead. The demon then realized that he could make use of this old man. Weak people with no religious stand are usually the easy targets. The demon flies down and transforms himself into a sixty year old man. He wore an expensive looking suite and holding a cane. The demon then walks up to the old man. The old man at that time was coughing uncontrolledly. The demon rushes in with a napkin and helps the old man up. He then puts his napkin over the old mans mouth to cover the blood flow. He then sneaks him to a nearby hospital for medical attention. In those days, if there was such thing as cancer then the doctors wouldnt have heard of it. The disease was still unknown to medical science and so the doctors were helpless to the old mans struggle.

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Tuesday, 12.30pm The body of the old man descended into the ground of land that was once his. The land now belongs to the demon. You see, the old man had no living relatives to look out for and so gave his wealth to the kind man that helped him. So what? A demon gets a piece of land and turning it into graveyard. He had other plans with the land. Once the land was inhabited by more bodies, he will be able to transform it into something else. But when I asked my grandfather what it was, he silenced me. I was too young to know so I was sent to bed that night. But the story of the Deceiver kept running in my head. Present Day, Wednesday, 8.00pm It was night and as usual I was looking at old news. The story of the demon really spooks me. If that demon was still in town, wed have problems. I began to look out for articles that relate to this graveyard and this demon. But nothing shows up. Time kept passing but I kept looking. Then something comes up. An article about a guy in a local village. His story tells of his defeat of the family demon that used to haunt his family for many years but ended after his victory over it. I looked out for articles to create a biography for this man. The internet says that he was once a lawyer and had an ex-girlfriend at his working town. This girl for some reason disappeared over an unknown cause This man was already married with someone else. He was living happily of somewhere on the other side of town. But it was not far from here. I told myself if I could just have a word with him, I might be able to figure out whats actually happening down at that graveyard. Wednesday, 10.00pm It was late that night, so I finally turned off my computer and took a nap. As I slept, I wondered what other mysteries were in store for mankind. Maybe a lot more than I could imagine. Thursday, 6.00am It was early in the morning. I got out of bed and did all the usual stuff before having breakfast. As I got ready for school, I noticed something outside my window. It wasnt the vampire girl. I looked outside and saw a boy. I recognized him. It was the blue eyed boy I saw at the newspaper stall



yesterday. 22 | P a g e

From outside and in the dark and cold, he didnt look natural at all. I could sense that something evil was inside of him. Something dark and dangerous. When I looked out again, he was gone. Thursday, 8.00am School what, you already how it is because mostly its the same every day. I decided to head back to class and see my friend to tell him about my new findings. But he was unavailable. With a new girlfriend and his parents out of town, he decided to throw another party at his place. The first thing he did was giving me an invitation and told me to keep it secret from my parents. Not surprising. They would not agree with me going out like this so much. So, with this activity in mind I just began to forget about my research and all the paranormal findings. School went on as usual and soon it was over. As I walked out of the school, the vampire lady gave me a strange look. Its like as if I was her next target. But the look on her face was more of a fearful look. But why should a vampire be afraid. The only thing a night creature fears most is the demon. Im not one, so why be afraid? Life moved on. Once again, the by outside my window was following me. But this time, he made no attempt to hide. He wanted me to see him. I was afraid of this, but should no fear to him. Hes just a boy; Ive faced far worst things. Or maybe he just wants something? I soon found out. As I stopped at the newspaper stall, he confronted me. What is your problem? He asked. I stared blankly at him. I dont get it. I dont even know this guy, and hes got a problem with me. I maintained my stand and looked at him. Look, I dont know who you are but I want no trouble. Could you just go away? I went back to reading the newspaper when he answered, You like vampires so much dont you? I looked up to ask him how he knows about vampires but he was gone. I was shaken for a while. First the mysterious disappearance at my house, and now this mystery? This boy was not human, but he was certainly not a vampire. Vampires could not walk under sunlight but this one just did. Could he be the demon my grandfather told me about?

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Chapter 6

Cruel World
What defines a human being? Is it the looks? Or is it the personality? Or could it be the individuals character towards others? No one could tell. All I knew was that the boy I had just met was near to any of these. I was sure he was not human, but how do you go about it? After the weird threat I had just received, questions just kept flooding inside me. Questions came but no answers were found to them. I decided to skip my friends party that night. I didnt really feel like I was up to the challenge of passing through the graveyard at night. I looked at my watch and it showed 10.30pm. I wrote down my last words for the day in my journal before turning in for the night. Friday, 12.30am I couldnt get to sleep that night. I was restless. It didnt rain that day so it was warmer than usual. I looked around my room for attention but found none. And then the thought of going to my friends party flashed into my mind. It wasnt such a bad idea. I could just unscrew the metal bars at my window and jump out into the roof. From there, I would climb down the house with the tree nearby and race down to my friends home. After thinking about this for five minutes I found myself doing all these things within ten minutes. And I carefully left the gate opened so that I could get back in without detection from my parents. Friday, 1.00am There is an old saying; the journey of a thousand miles always begins with the first step. As I looked ahead, the saying seemed true. My friends home was not exactly near. But there was no turning back now. So I took my first steps. This started to give me a bad feeling. Something was wrong and I could feel it. But I dismissed these feelings and continued to move on. At this point, I forgot that demons really exist out there in the world. Friday, 2.00am 24 | P a g e



About an hour past and I had no trouble from walking so far. I could already see my friends house but something was wrong with it. There were no lights. Usually, his partys would be very lively with lights and noise. It wasnt late too. The party would end only at about 4.00am. So why was everything so quite? I walked inside. The outside gate was not locked and so was the front door. As I did this, thoughts came into me. I had parents who gave a purpose by studying hard. If I could do that, then I got to study harder. It was hard to comply with my parents wishes sometimes. But its not an excuse to them. I had to always take extra care when it comes to responsibility. When I sneak out like this, I felt like I was free. Free from troubles and from my parents. But Im disobeying them in the process and disobedience has its price. Unknown Date, Time, and Day No one really knew if these stories actually exist but its real when you dive in to culture folklore. There was once a man who preferred to hang out with people very much richer than him. In his mind, having rich friends would make him rich too. In other words, he would have power over others. He would not be just another on the street. Now hanging out with rich guys would also mean expensive parties and wine. This simple guy often goes to these parties until that faithful day. The rich had to take turns when hosting a party. And on that day, the simple man was chosen to do the same. Its not an easy task, since he did not have much money in reality to begin with. He also had to make his party better than the last one. So how do you go about solving such a problem? To make my story shorter, this man met the king of demons. The man was able to strike a deal with him to get a party going without paying a single coin for it. But there was a catch. No one knew what that catch was, but after the party the man was never seen again. The king of demons has claimed his victim without a fight. Present Day, Friday, 2.15am My hands reached for the door knob. I slowly opened it and stuck my head inside. I couldnt see anything since it was dark. I walked right in and turned on the lights. A surprise awaited me here. The room was in a mess. The furniture was overturned or broken. And even worse, there bodies all 25 | P a g e



over the floor. There walls were stained with blood. Something happened here, but I couldnt make out what. It was in that moment I began to realize that I was in danger too. I took a few steps outside. I closed the door knob and turned around. The boy with blue eyes was standing right in front of me. I cant describe to you in words what happened next only that it happened really fast. Before I could run, he was on me with his fangs at my neck. I began to feel the pain and the blood flowing out from me. As all things around me began to fade, I began to think about my friend, my parents, and myself. Soon everything went blank and I lost consciousness of what happened next.

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Chapter 7

Trapped in Myself
Friday, 8.00pm I cant tell in detail what happened to me because I doubt you would believe the first part of my story. When I woke up the next day, I remembered clearly what had happened that night. I place my hands on my neck to feel my injury scars. But I couldnt feel it. I got up from my bed and went to the mirror. Just as I thought, there were no scars. I felt hungry, so I walked up to the kitchen and saw a horrifying. My parents were lying dead on the floor. There was a pool of blood on the floor and animal like scars on their faces. I hesitated on what to do next. Should I call 911 or should I just run away before the vampire catch me too. I did neither in the end. Just as I was thinking of a plan, a knock came on the door. I went up to the front door and looked out through the peep hole. It was the blue eyed boy. I let him in, because it didnt make a difference now. There were dead bodies on the floor and I just couldnt control myself to wonder what had just happened. But as I thought harder, I remembered parts of the events. I remembered walking back home and climbing the old tree back to my room. I waited until my mother came to wake me up. She was my first victim but it wasnt enough. I called out to my father and I killed him too. As these events flashed before me, the demon explained that I was transforming and as soon as the transformation is complete, I would die and my new vampire self would take over me. After giving m this message, he made his leave. Friday, 10.45am One of the conditions of becoming a vampire is by feasting on human blood. If this is not done, then Id starve and die. I was confused. If I kill one person, I would survive and continue to live on. But if choose to remain this way, and then I would not see the light of day after tomorrow night. I cannot write down what choice did I make in the end, because it was tempting to see the blood of my parents flowing out after each passing hour. There was only one thing left to do. I picked out an



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old exercise book of mine. I began to write. I wrote about the things I saw, the things I did, and the mistakes Id made in the past. If someone were to find this book, they would think twice about going to that graveyard next time. After writing down everything I can remember, I gave out a sigh and wrote down my final three words: Goodbye, Cruel World.

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