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Herring Red Herring Twofer Ensnare Parable Damsel Impetus Implode Exasperate Impoverished Posthumous Abut Chauvinism

A type of fish A clue or piece of information intended to be misleading from the actual issue An offer of two for the price of one Take or catch as if in trap A short moral story A young unmarried woman A force that moves something along Burst inward Make very annoyed or frustrated; Make furious Poor enough to need help from others Occuring or coming into existence after a person's death Lie adjacent to other or share boundary Fanatical patriotism; Activity indicative of belief in the superiority of men over women Support and strengthen Rich and superior in quality Lacking strength A journey by a large group to escape from hostile environment Turn sharply; change direction abruptly Ascetism as a form of religous life; usually conducted in

Bolster Sumptous Feeble Exodus Swerve Monasticism

a community under common rule and characterized by celibacy, poverty and obedience Exacerbate Notion Phantasmagoric Imagery Flippant Peddle Irony Clique Clandestine Ostensible Lofty Trait Snobbery Consecrate Hierarchy Rite Dissident Schadenfreude Make worse A vague idea in which some confidence is placed Characterised by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition Ability to form mental images of things or events Showing inappropriate levity Sell or offer for sale from place to place Incongruity between what might be expected and what occurs An exclusive circle of people with common purpose Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods Appearing as such but not necessarily so; pretended Of high moral or intellectual value; Having or displaying great diginity or nobility Distinguishing feature of your personal nature The trait of condescending to those of lower social status Appoint to a clerical post A system or organization in which people are ranked one above the other according to status or authority An established ceremony prescribed by religion Characterized by departure of accepted belief Delight in another person's misfortune

Implore Poise Imbroglio Squabble Epitome Meddle Rejoinder

Call upon (in supplication) Prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult; Be motionless, in suspension An intricate and confusing situation; Very embarrasing misunderstanding A quarrel about petty points Standard or typical example Intrude into other person's affair A reply, esp. Sharp or a witty one

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