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NOT new information The house(es) (that we all see)

N NOT new information The water (that she is drinking)

F Family names in plural

Countries in plutal, United..., ...of... U the Netherlands, the Unoted Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland

D Deserts, some regions the Sahara Desert the Middle East

the Simpsons

G Groups of islands the Philipines

G Groups of mountains the Alps, the Himalayas

R Rivers, seas, oceans the Thames, the Adriatic Sea, the Pacific Ocean

Groups, bands, orchestras, c choirs

Museums, cinemas, theatres, hotels t

the Royal National Theatre

the Beatles,
the London Symphony Orchestra

U Unique things
the earth, the world, the moon, the sun, the sky, the stars, the air

U Unique people the king, the queen, the president

M Musical instruments the violin, the piano

S Ships the Queen Mary

Institutions, o organisations the White House, the United Nations

H Historical periods the Civil War

P Points of compass
the north, the south, the east, the west

Adjectives classes o of people the rich, the yooung

O Ordinal numbers the twenty-fifth of December

I Inventions the Internet the telphone


One something, new info. (countable nouns)

(This is) a flower. (This is) an orange.

J Jobs a painter, a cook, a farmer, a clown

S Some illnesses a cold, a headache, a flu

S Some numbers A hundred, a thousand, a million

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ L Languages English, French M Meals breakfast, lunch, dinner

I Islands Sicily

L Lakes Lake Ontario

P Peoples personal names Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

N Names of animals

S Some institutions (Go to) school, church, hospital, prison

Continents, countries, t towns

North America, Canada, Toronto

S Single mountains Mount Everest


Streets, squares, parks, p parts of town Oxford Street, Main Square, West End

P Peoples titles Mr Brown, Miss Taylor, Lord Brown

h holidays, months, seasons Monday, April, spring, Easter, 2009

Days of the week, years,

S Sports

S Some illnesses Flu, toothache, high blood pressure

table tennis, football, golf

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