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recently solar farm was launched at Pajam, Nilai on a landfill renewable energy project.

. Malaysia is sunny country and solar energy is clean, renewable and save if Germany, Spain, US and India are using solar energy, Malaysia too should invest in solar technology instead of nuclear. the government spend more than 21 billion for nuclear technology on the basis that our natural sources, petroleum and gas would vanish in 20 years time while nuclear energy will be there forever for another 2000 years

millions of people died in war and millions others injured and many others still suffering all because nuclear technology is used for nuclear weapon the big bullies with such weapons, US, Israel, UK, France and Russia. Fukushima nuclear plant damaged when Tsunami hit the island. Chernobyl tragedy in Ukraine that killed more than 93,000 people while the radioactive from the nuclear plant accident affected 7 million people including the future generation in the surrounding vicinity.

Furthermore, nuclear power plants produce ultrahazardous, highly radioactive waste that will remain radioactive for more than a hundred thousand years. No country in the world has managed to safely dispose its nuclear waste permanently, as currently there is no such technology. At present, nuclear waste is temporarily stored in pools of water or in dry casks, alongside nuclear reactors. The Malaysian government should seriously consider the health and safety risks of nuclear energy. Human error and unpredictable events are unavoidable, making nuclear reactor safety uncertain. The history of the nuclear industry is littered with minor and major accidents. Even without accidents, a nuclear power plant is dangerous to health.

German another highest technology savvy country immediately after the Fukushima tragedy, announced to stop and close down all its nuclear plant. Another scientific study, published in the European Journal of Cancer Care in 2008, revealed that leukemia death rates in American children living near nuclear power plants have risen sharply in the past two decades.

the final decision was no countries should develop their nuclear program be it for energy or defense because its not save, it will further erode environment and there is still no technology on how to dispose the nuclear waste.

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