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This portfolio collected information from the classes throughout the month of classes in advanced 8 (AO8). In this portfolio you can find class information, writing, vocabulary, refelctions, English record, and online resources. In the first part, classes information, you can find the specific points that the teacher gave the students for better learning. In that part of the portfolio are the summaries of the most important part that the book has. The part of writing can help us to know how to organize general information to get a specific topic to know which would be our topic sentence. Moreover, allowed us to practice the rules of punctuation, plus learn the structure of a paragraph to be able to make an essay.

In terms of vocabulary, we found new words, which were collected in order to enrich our vocabulary.
The reflection writing show our experiences that we have at classes. The online resource was very helpful to practice not only made us listening, reinforcing to practice writing classes taken. In conclusion, this portfolio is a summary of lessons learned in the course of advanced 7, which has served us well enough to know the organization of a text.

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