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Batangueos are hospitable. Batangueos are very regionalistic.

Batangueos love to have a good laugh.

They also tend to live in a large extended family. Most Batangueos are either farmers or fishers who sell their own products in the market.

Batangueos are known for being religious.

Batangueos are heavy drinkers.

Batangueos like sweet food. Batangueos also like their coffee strong.

There is no better way to describe a Batangueo than the language he or she speaks. Batangueos, being mainly descendants of the ancient Tagalogs, speak a dialect of the language with a very strong accent. Indeed, one can easily recognize a Batangueo the moment he opens his mouth.

Musicologists identified Batangas as the origin of the kumintang, and ancient war song, which later evolved to become the signature of Filipino love songs the kundiman. From the ancient kumintang, another vocal music emerged, identified as the awit. The huluna, a psalm-like lullaby, is also famous in some towns, especially Bauan.

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