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Kiplin Kerry is sick and cant go out to play.

He is pretty sure that this will be a very, very sad day.

To stay in his bed even just for today is no fun for Kiplin who just wants to play.

When Kiplin is not sick and can go out to play he can run and have fun for all of the day. He can roll in the grass down to Tumberlill bay. And, wet his fuzzy feet and splash and play.

When playing the flower game, Kiplin has fun. He rides on the Morphies who just like to run.

He chases the Snamerangs as they try to hide.

And, he plays and plays till its time to go inside.

But this will not happen for Kiplin today. Kiplin is sick and cant go out to play.

Kiplins Mama has Kiplin in bed for the day. She said to her son, Youre too sick.. You cant go play.

You just need to rest for your Mama today. Believe me dear Kiplin, Id like you to play.

Kiplin was sad as he lay in his bed. His dreams of playing just danced through his head. He saw all of his friends through his window at play. He watched as they frolicked in a really fun way.

I may never get better, thought Kiplin today. My tummys all achy and my ears are all ruby. My eyes are all itchy and my nose is all stuffy. I may never get better, thought Kiplin today. I may never again get to go out and play! Kiplins cat Purry felt bad for his friend. He snuggled and wanted his cold just to end. But Kiplin would just have to wait for the day when his cold was all gone and could go out to play.

So, Kiplin just lay there and fell fast asleep with Purry curled up staying warm at his feet. Kiplin dreamed about playing and rolling in the grass. He dreamed about games and the kids in his class. He dreamed of his friends playing all day outside and chasing Snamerangs before they could hide.

Then Kiplin awoke to his Mamas soft touch. She smiled and comforted Kiplin which Kiplin loved so very much.

She placed her warm hand on Kiplins forehead and she knew that her young one would soon leave his bed.

Why Kiplin, your fever seems to have left, said Mama to Kiplin in one special breath.

Youll be better by morning my little son. All better by morning and ready to run.

Now, Kiplin was happy, so happy in fact that he kissed his Mom and hugged his cat!

Oh Mama, you mean I can go out to play. I can ride the Morphies down to Tumberlill bay? Mama smiled at Kiplin and tucked him back in. Then Kiplin felt better and started to grin.

You still need to sleep and stay warm in your bed and take care to get rid of that cold in your head.

When Kiplin lay back and his Mom went away he knew that tomorrow would be a great day.

He knew all his friends would shout and would say Look! Kiplins all better and has come out to play.

The End

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