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Guncutters are custom-designed heavily armed shuttles and landers, often favoured by Rogue Traders, explorers, and less

savoury elements. They are also serious firepower mounts, designed for space, though many can also make shuttle runs planetside as well. They are clearly combat-ready and usually covered with heavy weaponry. As such, they immediately project an intimidating appearance, and are often useful for dangerous negotiations and smuggling operations. Most can only carry a small crew and a limited number of passengers or hive value cargo, sacrificing capacity for speed, armament and protection. Type: Military Craft/Civilian Craft Size: Massive Armour: Front 30, Hull 25 Traits: Anti-Grav, Void Capable, some will have Interface Controls Narrative Speed: 500 kmph/2500 kmph Combat Speed: 50/850/1700/2550/3400 Handling Modifier (Pilot (Military Craft): 0 Armaments: heavy mounts only in wings (e.g. wing mounted quad las-cannon, wing mounted missile launchers armed with krak and frag missiles etc.) Crew: 1 (Pilot), 1 (Gunner/Co-pilot) Passengers: 12 Access Points: Two forward hatches to cockpit and rear cargo/boarding hatch

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