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Some highlight about Indonesian culture The most significant point of Indonesian culture is that this country includes

s many religions, in which Muslim take about 86% of population. Every year, there are many festivals celebrated. Each characterizes for a religion. These festivals attract huge amount of visitors. However, Indonesian are quite serious about saving face and very polite. Although the place of worship is open to everyone, you must have permission if you want to come in, especially when the ceremony is carrying out. Furthermore, there are some strange customs there: Never claw an Indonesian's head, because it means you disregard him. Don't hand on your hips or wear glasses when talking to them as it seem to be impolite. More interestingly, if you use only your left hand to give and take anything, it's rude because to almost people, the left hand is not clean. About appearance, Indonesian are fastidious about clothing. People who wear short and immodest clothes are evaluated as impolite, even travelers. You must dress formally when attending religious ceremony, especially Muslim ceremony.

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