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Cautions Although aniseed may be prescribed as a remedy for morning sickness during pregnancy as it has been traditionally used

d this is not recommended and should be avoided completely during pregnancy. In addition aniseed has oestrogen activity and should be avoided if your physician has recommended against your taking birth control pills - oestrogen may contribute to migraine headaches and abnormal blood clotting and promote the development of certain types of brain tumours. Quantities over several teaspoons of Aniseed oil may cause nausea and vomiting and Aniseed essential oil is very potent and considered a stimulant, which in excess may cause sluggishness. Otherwise the FDA considers Aniseed generally safe if used as recommended for healthy, nonpregnant and non-nursing adults. Pregnancy/nursing Aniseed is a reputed abortifacient. Excessive use is not recommended in pregnancy.

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