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Nalanda Monastery FPMT Basic Program

Engaging in the Deeds of a Bodhisattva

Week 10 21st to 25th July 2008 Chapter 6 Questions
1. Debate how anger is the ultimate obstacle for the arising and abiding of all virtuous dharmas. (Verses 6.1 + 6.2) 2. Debate why there is nothing like patience for destroying the torment of the heat of afflictions. (Verse 6.2) 3. Discuss how anger eliminates the opportunity for physical and mental pleasure. (Headline of Verse 6.3) 4. Debate how destroying anger is the cause for only happiness in this and other lives. (Verse 6.6cd) 5. Debate the benefits of taking on suffering voluntarily. (Verse 6.9) 6. Debate the state of having cultivated patience with regard to suffering (Verse 6.15) 7. What is the example of how the strength of patience arises if one is habituated to it? (Headline of verses 6.17 - 6.18ab) 8. What good qualities are there of reflecting on the disadvantages of suffering? (Verse 6.21) 9. Debate the analogy and the meaning of: anger is unsuitable although the other side has harmed me. (Verses 6.22 - 6.23) 10. Debate how due to all faults having arisen from conditions there is no freedom. (Headline of verse 6.25) 11. Debate "understand how while all objects are empty of inherent existence there is the performance of deeds". (Verse 6.31) 12. Debate how one turns away from anger while thinking "If one can kill even oneself due to lack of understanding, there is no surprise about harming others." (Headline of Verse 6.37) 13. Debate how there are reasons why it is therefore appropriate to feel compassion for them. (Headline of Verse 6.38)

Nalanda Monastery FPMT Basic Program

14. Debate how there is no way to be angry with others if the faults that brought about harm are adventitious. (Headline of Verse 6.40) (It's "faults", not "condition" as in the outline!) 15. Debate how it is inappropriate to be angry when considering how the harm brought to you by others is your own fault. (Headline of Verse 6.42) 16. Debate how anger is inappropriate when considering having craved the causes of suffering in a former life as being a disadvantage. (Headline of Verses 6.45 - 6.46)

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