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Aku punya pengalaman buruk, sahabat ku.

Ketika ku kelas enam sekolah dasar aku sangat takut dengan pelajaran bahasa inggris, karena menurutku pelajaran bahasa inggris sangat membosankan dan guru pembimbingnya terkenal sangat galak. Seperti biasa guru bahasa inggris masuk ke kelas kami. Aku mulai ketakutan dan gemetar, karena takut menerjemahkan teks dalam bahasa inggris . Tiba-tiba namaku dipanggil oleh ibu guru yopie, kesini. tolong kamu terjemahkan teks berikut kedalam bahasa inggris kata ibu guru. Oh tuhan saking takutnya buku tersebut tidak ku baca, hanya ku pegang saja. Sambil memandang wajah ibu guru, aku hanya melamun . yopie, apakah kau tidak mendengar perintah ku kata ibu guru. Aku tak menjaw pertanyaan ibu guru. Justru tambah diam, dan akhirnya aku terkejut setelah mendengar teman kelas ku menertawakan ku kebingungan. Akibatnya aku di jewer oleh ibu guru dan tugas membaca diserahkan teman yang lain.

I had a bad experience, my friend. When my sixth-grade elementary school I was scared of the english language lessons, because I think learning English is very boring and very ferocious famous mentor teacher. As usual English teachers into our classrooms. I began to fear and trembling, for fear of being translated text in English. Suddenly my name was called by the teacher "Yopie, here. you please translate the following text into English "the mother said the teacher. Oh god it was so scared I did not read the book, I just hold it. Looking at the teacher's face, I'm just daydreaming. "Yopie, did you not hear my orders" said the teacher. I do not answer the question the teacher. Actually added quietly, and eventually I was surprised to hear my classmates laughed at my confusion. As a result I was advised by the teacher and handed the task of reading another friend.

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