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Chaoyian Gonzalez Vocabulary List Rn Person D Big xiao small wng King Ku Mouth M horse Mm Mom, mother Mn door

Mn door W me, I

ni you

/ T him/her pengyou friend shan Mountain Zhnggu China N girl zi Boy Ho Good Xushng Student Shngxu go to school dad, father Xhuan Like Fm Parents

nu er daughter er zi Son tu Earth Hny Chinese Language Jia Home Yu Moon Month R Sunday Hu hu painting Xi q Chess Tiow Dance chi eat

he drink jiao call, first name xing last name gao tall duan short pang fat zaoshang Morning shangwu Before noon zhongwu Noon xiawu Afternoon wanshang Night huijia return home

zoulu walk paobu run kuai fast, quickly kuai measure word for money youyong to swim shangke attend class xiake dismiss from class qu to go qichuang to rise in the morning, wake up shuijiao go to sleep kan look, to see shuo speak

wan to play changge to sing yong to use suoyi therefore keshi But hai shi or jintian today zuotian yesterday mingtian tomorrow zheige this nage that shi tens

bai hundreds qian thousands wan millions yi billions zhao trillions yigong total yao want maiyisongyi buy one get one free geng more zui most gen and yiyang

similarity bi comparison ? weishenme why? shenmeshihou when? shui who? zenme how? xiexie Thank you laoshi Teacher!

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