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* "d bt bin, ng vn bin" - Have the end in mind - Imaging the fairy programming world in your head - Visualizing

problem on the craft paper to enhance the focus - Con khng cn phi bit mi cu tr li, con ch cn bit nn hi ngi no m thi - Asking. Add the friend lists or phone number of your friends who are ITer, the n when you got problem you can pose the appropriate question for them to orienta te your doing ( if you mind bothering them ). - Be relaxed, don't press yourself. Write problem down to craft paper and solve it. Have no idea to deal with it, put it aside, do something else. Idea will com e up later. - A problem well stated is a problem half solved. - Give the appropriate annotations for method, variable declaration, logic. - Find the ease way to do the difficult job. - Have a detailed and whole plan before coding. You will take a large waste to t urn back if you have no map. - Searching on Google is difficult sometime, because it results in too many thin gs, many are not fit us, you should look for in specilized website such as googl e.code, codeprojects, ..., or you can choose Image in order to see the result a s picture in advance. - Don't waste time of making up a solution which was already made up by the othe rs, survey for it. - Make sure you understand the requirements of customes. TEAMWORK: - When you send a working mail, if possible, you should send cc to other members of group. - Understand WHAT IS GOING on in the teamwork. Maybe your work task is conflicte d with or not integrated with your parner's one. it will take the quite time for fixing. To do that, Make sure all changes should be got through all relevant pa rtner. - Focus on the core as priority (most important part of your apps).

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