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The Fishing Trip The story that I have read is The Fishing Trip.Published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

This story is so interesting for me because it about King Seong who is first time go to sea for fishing with his uncle. At the beginning,he had been not allowed by his uncle to go before because he is too young.After much persuasion,his uncle had agreed to take him along.They prepared all the things before go to sea.For example, his uncle checked of the boat while King Seong checked the list of things they needed for trip. In the middle of their way,King Seong could see yatchs with their huge white and blue sails extended in the breeze.The people on yatchs waved at him and he waved gaily in return.After they arrived,they start to fixing the bait into hook and begin fishing.After awhile King Seong managed to catch a fish.He shouted with joy and his uncle helped him to unhook the fish .Then his uncle managed to catch a fish that three inches bigger than the one King Seong had caught.King Seong felt very proud as he heard the splashing and flapping of the fish in the basket. Then the sun was beginning to set,making the sky orange and red,his uncle felt the strong rays of the sun on his eyes,and he pulled the brim of his cap lower to cut them out.They decided to go home. While his uncle started the motor,King Seong pulled in the basket which was heavy with fish.The boat made a wide circle and headed toward the cluster of islands.King Seong relaxed against the side of the boat,munching a cheese sandwich. But then their boat cannot be switched on because shortage of oil.When he brought the can contained of oil to his uncle,he accidently dropped the can and shock because the can empty.His uncle said to him that they must wait someone to save them.He was afraid but didnt showed to his uncle because around him is dark.After awhile,authorities come and rescued them.When they arrived jetty,he could see his parent had waiting for him at jetty for

few hours.He run to his parent and sigh in relieve. He so happy and got many experience from fishing trip.

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