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Stephen Hawking is Trashed By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd. Perpetual (C)Copyright by Anthony J.

Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA) and The American People and The People of God and The Existants of the Universe Stephen Hawking asserts in his books that reality and the material universe are strictly linear and are explainable with simple math and newtonian physics. Howver, Hawking is wrong. Hawking does not deal adequately with Calculus nor Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is best explained with Aunitary Quantum Field Theory. Aunitary Quantum Field Theory states and proves that reality and the material universe are alinear, curve linear, and aunitary just as stated by Heisenberg, Einstein, Aquainas, and Aristotle. Probabalistic reality is only explainable because reality is aunitary, curve linear, and alinear. As Heisenberg, on of the worlds leading quantum physicists tells us, the study of subatomic particles involves indeterminacy. Thus, Heisenbergs Indeterminacy Principle tells us that if a scientist were to observe and analyze and attempt to explain how it is that subatomic particles act and interact, he or she or hae would find that you can only observe and attempt to explain the activity or location of not more than two subatomic particles at a time. Thus, one might be able to observe and generate a scientific theory regarding the location and speed of a subatomic particle, but then you would not be able to observe or predict the trajectory or that subatomic particle, nor would you be able to observe time in that regard. Thus, it is now apparently that, following quantum physics facts and theory, that to some degree, or at some level of probablity, meaning affects quantum reality, and in fact reality, as such. Given the foregoing, Stephen Hawking is dead wrong about just about everything that he says.

In fact, Stephen Hawkings arrogance is only exceeded by his stupidity.

For, you see, the

universe and reality are Spiritual in the sense that Meaning affects Reality, and, that activities such as Prayer and Meditation can shift reality by shifting quantum meaning. And, it also seems that Quantum Language is Song, and Dance, and Poetry and Allegory, and Analogy, as Author Andrew Greeley might tells us if he were here right now.

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