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Hello! I MatLAB 7.12 (R2011a) 64-bit. OS Windows 7 Fee clone Arduino, Russian assembly Freeduino ( .

html), a complete analog Ardruino Uno / Duemilanove w/ATmega328. My actions: 1 - Connection "Arduino" to MatLAB * Set ArduinoIO (; * Unpack the package into C: \ arduinoIO; * >> Cd c: \ arduinoIO * >> Install_arduino * >> Savepath * Flashed "Arduino" core srv.pde ( eld-library/zipball/master); * >> A = arduino ('COM4'); At this point, everything is OK! From the window MatLAB, board responds and take s command. 2 - Connection "Arduino" to SIMULINK * Downloading the package Simulink Support Package for Arduino (http://www.mathw; * "Simulink Support Package for Arduino" unpacked to C: \ arduino_simulink * Downloading Wednesday Arduino IDE (arduino-1.0) and extract it to c: \ Arduino Target * >> Cd c: \ arduino_simulink * >> Addpath (fullfile (pwd, 'arduino'), fullfile (pwd, 'blocks'), fullfile (pwd , 'demos')) * >> Savepath * >> Sl_refresh_customizations * Plug-in board "Arduino" to your computer. * Indicates the path to the environment Arduino IDE >> arduino.Prefs.setArduinoP ath ('c: \ ArduinoTarget') That's all up to this point NORMALLY PUT. * Determine the current platform team >> Arduino.Prefs.setBoard ('atmega328') or >> arduino.Prefs.setMcu ('atmega328') Throws an error >> Arduino.Prefs.setBoard ('atmega328') ?? Reference to non-existent element of a cell array. Error in ==> Prefs> Prefs.parseBoardsFile at 227 lhs = parsedLines {i} {1} {1}% can be of the form xx.yy.zz Error in ==> Prefs> Prefs.setBoard at 66 boards = arduino.Prefs.parseBoardsFile (boardsFile); >> Arduino.Prefs.setMcu ('atmega328') ?? Error using ==> Prefs> Prefs.setMcu at 129 This function is deprecated. Use arduino.Prefs.setBoard instead, e.g. arduino.Prefs.setBoard ('uno') TRIED TO IGNORE THIS OPTION AND KEEP SETTING, BUT IN MODELING, DEMANDS categoric ally specify the model.

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