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Make the adjective agrees with the noun.

A simple problem
Definite with an article
The dual noun ends in (aan) ()
File Two files
A delegate Both delegates
Both private letters
Note: English plural means more than one. In Arabic plural means more than two.
Noun and Adjective: Masculine sound plural ()
Good supervisors -
The Iraqi delegates -
Demonstrative Adjective
Single Dual Plural
- This These two These (M)
- This These two These (F)
That Those two Those
That Those two Those
These two former officers
Between both two foreign companies

Note: In Arabic, we can use articles to talk about things in general.

Medical books (i.e. in general) are complicated.

Literal: In the university a big library.
Eng: There is a library in the university.

Eng: There are practical experiments in the laboratory.
For (the sake of)

( Same)
( Same)
The program of the party The partys program
Discussion of the partys new financial program
The clearest expression -
The easiest question -

He is the best teacher
He is the best (one) of the teachers. (One of many)
He is the best of the teachers

The most important points are
The most important of the points are

The most important of our goals are to put a companys new scheme.

A director of one of the national banks (m)

She is a director of one of the national banks. (f)
Monetary inflation - /
Economic inflation -
Economic development plan -
Economic development plan -
Futile discussion -
To push aside
To dwindle - -
To urinate -
Passive Formal His license was revoked.
Passive Informal His license was revoked.
= Formal I thank the association
Informal I thank the association

Formal You will be given a ticket if you park here.

Informal - You will be given a ticket if you park here.
Formal In fact
- Informal In fact
Formal Two big windows.

- Formal

Informal Two big windows.
Formal Two new cars.

Formal Two new cars

Informal Two new cars

Formal Two white windows.
Informal Two white windows.

The conference, which lasts for three days, was opened.

Every person accused of a crime must be provided with counsel for his defense.
He is accused of robbery.

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