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Its Time for a Change


Making Dangerous Streets Safer

ty impact statements to provide judges a rationale basis for giving convicted criminals appropriate sentences. Moulton submitted a CIS brief for former 1330 resident/druglord Espey Brown which on July 26, 2012 gave US District Judge Reggie Walton the information he needed to justify giving Brown serious time with the near-maximum sentence of 14 years in prison for drug and gun offenses in Shaw from 2009-2011. Moulton also

Vote on Election Day Tuesday 6 Nov. at the Kennedy Recreation Center or during early voting hours at other local precincts.

August 2012

Martin Moulton Mr Indestructible to some has taken a half dozen direct hits from scofflaw motorists, including one from a reckless taxi driver on 6 June 2012 while in a zebra striped crosswalk. But he wants streets to be safer for everyone. His mother, a long-time commuter cyclist, was his inspiration growing up on the San Francisco Peninsula. Moulton took his passion for pedaling to the East Coast when he went to Dartmouth College; he has been a Board Member of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association ( in DC for several years. As Board Vice President, he works with WABAs amazing staff to create a city where pedestrians, pedalers AND motorists coexist without hazard sharing roads responsibly. As our dynamic city/states population grows, pedalling has become the fastest, cheapest, healthiest and most liberating way for many to get around to the market, to the ball field, to work, or just to work up a sweat taking in the magnificent monuments Moulton (to the right of Mayor Fenty) at opening of state of the art Union Station Bike Station. and green spaces in and around the Nations Capital.

Tough On Crime

Community Impact Statements Serve Justice to Shaw Criminals

The Districts amazing US Attorney General Ron Machens Office encourages residents to file communi-

wrote the community impact statement for Keith Gaston who was convicted with Brown earlier this year. Through job fairs and job preparedness training opportunities, Moulton has also been working with the DC Department of Employment Services (DOES) to provide job resources for many local residents, like Brown, who have claimed that insufficient access to jobs is the primary reason they commit crime.

Jail Time
On 15 April 2011, Moulton (far left, in bike helmet) was arrested with our Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells (far right in photo), former Councilmember Sekou Biddle (center) and other officials as part of a demonstration supporting equality for District of Columbia residents to free residents from the dismissive and down right mean-spirited actions of Congressional overlords. When Ive looked into the eyes of seniors who have lived in DC all or most of their lives, have worked hard to support their families and consistently been good citizens, or when I look into the eyes of young students Ive tutored, its difficult to stomach that we who live, work and vote in the District of Columbia have fewer rights than people who live just a few miles away, outside of our city/state, and even those in other parts of the world who live under the fist of oppressive dictators or fascist regimes. Going to jail, where we were denied food for nearly 10 hours by US Capital Police, seems to have been the least I could do to help highlight the hypocrisy of the US Congress which was founded to protect the rights of citizens. Moulton (#39) was one of the last to be freed from custody in a warehouse-like holding cell; Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells (#41) was the last to be processed and released the day after the arrest. lacrosse/baseball field and the first dog park for the historically under-served east end of Shaw. Having grown up in California and on a livestock farm, Moulton is a life-long proponent of urban gardens and nutritious food sources. [Quick fact: California produces almost all of the United States almonds, apricots, dates, figs, persimmons, kiwis, nectarines, olives, strawberries, artichokes, pistachios, prunes, and walnuts; and the state leads in the production of avocados, grapes, lemons, melons, peaches and plums.] Theres really nothing more healthy and sustainable than low-cost, fresh, delicious fruits and veggies grown in your own backyard or neighborhood. It always made me sad to see students come to school with pockets stuffed with candy. Instead of spending money on junk food, my brother and I usually just ran out and grabbed apples, pears, plums, peaches or super-sweet oranges from our moms mini-orchard for snacks or lunch.

the least of these...

April 11, 2011.

April 11, 2011. TBD Staff Photo.

Spending most of his childhood summers, waking up before the crack of dawn with his brother and cousins, to tend and care for farm animals geese, cows, goats, horses, pigs, chickens on his uncles family farm in southern California, Moulton was taught to fish and hunt and prepare meat. But Moulton also learned at an early age that humane and compassionate treatment of animals is critical. Moulton has always enjoyed quality time with pets and believes that all animals deserve care and respect and should be allowed to live healthy and social lives with humans and/or other animals. Moulton is the proud Mama of three felines: Elektra, Obama and ED (Ella Derecha, pictured above).

Free Time

As a volunteer, Moulton has supported the work of the Greater NE/SE Ecumenical Outreach Ministry [] a group of East of the River church pastors wives and leaders who have adopted the mission of providing HIV/AIDS outreach and information to historically hard to reach populations seniors, returning citizens, the under employed, gay men, and low-income women with special health care needs. Moulton has developed productive relationships with several church leaders in Shaw from the Third Baptist, Hemingway Temple AME, First Rising Mt. Zion and Springfield Baptist churches. Moulton has been a tireless advocate for a diverse communities where vulnerable residents enjoy the security and benefits of living in state-of-theart, sustainable housing without the fear of being pushed out. Working with

the developers who renovated Asbury Dwellings senior residences and Gibson Plaza Apartments, in Ward 6, and Allen House Apartments, East of the River in Ward 7, has been rewarding and helped him connect with many happy seniors enjoying their golden years in our city/state. Moulton is a believer in both new and old local Shaw businesses. The new Shaws Tavern is a personal favorite not only for the food, atmosphere and service but because it celebrates the name of the community (and Moultons second family name, on his mothers side). He also has been a long-time fan of Cheryl Loftons woman-owned custom tailoring Salon on T St NW. Moulton has enjoyed working with the KIPP DC public charter school to bring world class facilities to its Shaw Campus from state of the art, lightfilled classrooms to a fantastic athletic facility for students and the community at Bundy Field which includes a soccer/

Blooms in Shaw

BlossomsfromTulipsforTed/DaffodilsforDad on 5th St NW. If you havent seen Moulton mounted on his mountain bike heading out for a 40+ mile trek or pedaling errands, you may have seen him picking up litter, planting or taking snapshots of flowers in the area around his home near the KIPP Shaw Campus.

From what I have seen it is only the squeeky wheels that get attention in DC, and the reality was that Shaw had been a little light on progressive civic advocates voices for quite a long time. Martin is a prolific poster to this and many listserves because he is very active in the community and aggresive in trying to improve the quality of life for everyone in Shaw. I know few people who are quite so dedicated and consistent in trying to be inclusive and respectful of everyone in the neighborhood. Let me also say that while he usually speaks only for himself his voice has always struck me as advocating for so many in the community. If he appears, at times, to seem too aggressive it is because there has been such a historic, long-standing disparity in the way resources are allocated and the way government agencies and city council have treated the residents of Shaw. Max Im ... glad that somebody is lighting up the hypocrisy of the Gray administration. Charles [I] like the fact that Martin is visable in the neighborhoods and on [the Shaw listserv] forum. he is a relentless advocate for the neighborhoods. with a couple of more Martins, the hoods would be in great shape. should we be lucky enough to have him elected it will be outstanding for the neighborhoods. he wont be shaking down developers for personal gain contracts and other Wilson building pay to play constituant service account shenanigans. And the neighborhood will have an advocate when its time for Community Impact Statements. Richard

Shaw ANC6E02
You know, honest hard work pays off in America. Get to work!
Martins dad, an immigrant from Costa Rica, secured his sons first paid jobs: Cleaning toilets in the offices of his business associates in the San Francisco Bay Area. He did this so his sons would understand the dignity of earning an honest dollar, so they would never starve or look down upon anyone who works hard with character and integrity, so his sons would always have a valuable skill, and so they would have no place to go but up. ...

is tremendous tool for Democracy. A simple quick internet investigation of all candidates for public office should serve voters well. The following are a just a few recommended articles to begin your search for the best candidate for ANC 6E02:

Mayor opens playground ABC News 7/WJLA 8 August 2012 As Web Fuels Bike Thefts, Victims Turn Vigilantes Washington Post 26 August 2007 Car Free Day | Moulton Washington Post 29 September 2009

All Hands on Deck police effort gets mixed reviews Washington Post 1 November 2011 Making a difference Economist intranet article 1 July 2009 Martin Moulton, #39 17 April 2011

D.C. taxicab politics, at ground level Washington Post (Debonis) Taxi Refuses Ride, MPD Response 7 March 2012 Martin Moultons Shaw June 2009 DC North

On or before Nov. 6: Vote for results; honest hard work; livable, walkable, bikeable, sustainable neighborhoods; healthy residents and families; good schools, strong local businesses; happy pets; beautiful, clean and safe streets and alleys; and good food. This time, vote for the things you can believe in. | (202) 422-1161 Paid for by Moulton for ANC 2012. Andrew Gaidurgis, Treasurer. MMXII. All rights reserved.

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