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The full moon hangs low in the dark midnight sky, the wind from the sea blows

and billows my robs around my legs. The sweet smell of the flowers mixed with the harsh and heavy scent of the ocean over power my senses. Beneath my feet the warm grass and dark undergrowth move softly as the wind blows past me, the feeling of the earth beneath my feet and the wind above me; helps shift my awareness. The grove stands in the distance covered in shadows, the bark of the trees seems to all but glow in the moonlight. The sound of the ocean crashing upon the shore is the only thing that can be heard, seeming so loud that it should be deafening. ~ Queen Morgaine.

Chapter One.
The sun rises upon the eastern horizon of county Clare, with it comes the cries of what seems like a million birds. The sweet music of their cries fills the air, the sun streams through the windows of my room. My long red hair shows like brilliant copper in the sunlight. My skin the color of sunbathed ivory shows under the saffron blanket. I move from my bed to the barrel filled with fresh rain water from the last nights storm, the sun is shining brightly now as I move to the wardrobe to put upon my self the robes of a priestess in training. This is my third week within the house of Morrigan, I am training to be a priestess of the Great Goddess and it has been a truly awe inspiring process. My teacher, Nyx is a tall woman of black hair like a ravens wing with skin the color of cream with blue undertones. Her voice falls from her mouth like thunder falls from the sky but she is not only a kind but truly loving women who has done nothing more than support me and help me to get over my sorrow and loneliness as I am only twenty five years old and this is my first time out in the world. The lady Nyx saved me from my abusive father whom, locked me in the cellar below the house since my birth. I have never seen the sky nor the sun before coming here and learning of the Goddess. I have never known the reason that my father locked me away for years, beating and abusing me at every opportunity. I learned to read and write , I spent my time reading through the books in the cellar in which was my living space. I read books on religion, philosophy and war and I read them all before the age of ten. My father is a great Roman general with the legion in Londinium, I was moved to the holy training ground of Ireland by the will of Nyx who had a vision of my suffering.

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