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Classic Wooden Toys

Offered by Klaus and Co. Toy Shop

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Traditional Toys Handcrafted by Skilled American Craftspeople

Klaus and Co. Toy Shop presents the best American Made traditional wooden toys available. We only sell American made toys created from American grown trees. The companies we purchase from have the highest quality and conform to all safety standards for a superior product with your children and grandchildren in mind.

We are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week on the Internet @

Traditional Toys Handcrafted by Skilled American Craftspeople Klaus and Co. Toy Shop 45 Converse Drive Winchendon, MA 01475 Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5556 E-mail:
Klaus and Co. Toy Shop was created in the area known as Toy Town where Morton E. Converse had his toy manufacturing factory back in the late 1800s into the early part of the 1900s. We are proud to continue the tradition of offering quality toys to the children of the world.

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