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Diffraction of light

The definition of diffraction of light: light to bypass the obstacles continue to move the spread of the phenomenon. Include: single-slit diffraction, circular aperture diffraction, diffraction circular plate Light in the dissemination process, the face of obstructions or holes (narrow), it has left the shadow of a straight line path a detour into the phenomenon of obstacles. This phenomenon is called diffraction of light. Diffraction fringes arising from or halo of light and shade, called diffraction patterns. Diffraction condition is generated: as a result of very short wavelengths of light, only a very few microns, it is usually much larger than objects, but when the light toward a pinhole, a slit, a filament can be clearly diffraction of light to see. When the effect of irradiation with monochromatic light better, if polychromatic light, the diffraction pattern is to see color.

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