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Ross Sonnenblick Spring Garden 901 North Boulevard Bethlehem, PA 18017 January 6, 2009 President Elect Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Elect Obama, Congratulations on a historic win after a long and tiring campaign. Your speech from Grant Park ‘was phenomenal. “We are not red states and blue states, but the United States of America.” That, above all, stood out. As a future Democrat, | wish so badly that I could have been there. 270,000 people. Wow. actually thought that Mr. McCain’s speech was very gracious, especially when he quieted the crowd af- ter they started booing you, Again, congratulations on becoming the 44th President. Thave a few concerns that | wish to share with you, to start off your career as President. My first is about the troubled economy. With all due respect to him, George W. Bush left us in a financial crisis Our national debt is over a trillion dollars. What will you do to right America’s name in the face of all other nations? I'm sure that that can not be done. But then again, as we have recently found out, any- thing is possible. Will you consult with Mr. Biden, an expert in foreign policies and relations? Also, our ‘worst financial crisis since 1929 has passed, or at least for the time being. Do you personally think that ‘you will be able to balance the budget for the first time since Bill Clinton left the White House? ‘Additionally, our war in Iraq is getting more and more innocent people killed every day, on both sides. Will you make it a main priority of yours to help troops with an evacuation plan? How long will it take? Every time we send another troop to Iraq, we are wasting valuable lives, and energy. That brings ‘me to another topic. What will you do to stop off-shore drilling, cut down on pollution? Will we ever see ‘America truly clean again? And lastly, what will you do about Big Oil? I, and my family, believe that you will be an outstanding leader. All I can say is, “Hail to the Chief” on January 20, 2009, will be the best song I have ever heard. Because of you, “Change we Can Believe In” has come to America at last. Sincerely, Bras Lerner bik Ross Sonnenblick

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