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VRV stands for Variable Refrigerant Volume that achieves high energy efficiency thereby producing high energy cost savings. COP by varying refrigerant flow according to the load. Briefly describe the product or service, the user problems it solves, and the audience for which it is intended

VRV is suitable for all kinds of buildings be it office, residential or industrial.


Use several slides to outline the features of your product

Group features in logical categories, using one slide per category

Be sure to state the user benefit of each feature

Use one slide per model, if appropriate

Most Imp.Features and Benefits

Use several slides to outline the features of your product

Group features in logical categories, using one slide per category

Be sure to state the user benefit of each feature

Use one slide per model, if appropriate

Other Features and Benefits

Example Example


Discuss how the product or service can be used by different groups, giving real user examples where possible


For products, give relevant technical specifications, using as many slides as necessary

For services, detail the items and conditions under which the service is offered


Detail the product models available and list specific prices for each model and additional options
Model Price

Detail the product models available and list specific prices for each model and additional options
Model Price

Detail the product models available and list specific prices for each model and additional options
Model Price

Cost Benefit Case Study

List availability dates

Describe where product can be purchased or where to direct orders


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