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Help Ric OBarry and Save Japan Dolphins Campaign stop the slaughter of dolphins in Japan!

The Academy Award winning movie, The Cove, chronicles the dramatic and successful C efforts of a small band of committed eco-activists to document the annual slaughter of thousands of dolphins. You can help us get the secret out. GO TO OUR WEBSITE to learn about what you can do: SIGN OUR PETITION(S): Go online at to help stop the dolphin slaughter. Urge your family, friends and neighbors to go take action, too! TAKE THE PLEDGE: Dont buy tickets to aquariums that have marine mammals in captivity or to swim-with-dolphins tourist programs. ENCOURAGE your government to take action to urge Japan to end the killing of dolphins and whales. DONATE FUNDS to help get The Cove shown in Japan and to organize or opposition in Japan to the slaughter at or send a check payable to Earth Island Institute/Save Japan Dolphins.
c/o Earth Island Institute, The David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704 USA OBarry photo by Erik Ian; dolphin photos by Bob Talbot

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