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Advanced Placement English Language

Mr. Mackendrick

Class / Date___________________


After having read and reviewed the article youve chosen complete as much of the following
information as possible.
Name of source (journal, document, book, etc.)

Publication, month, date, issue:

Name of article:

List some associations that the title may allude to:

Authors name:

Wheres s/he from, biographical info:

What is the subject:

Briefly, the general idea of the article is:

What is the argument?

Within the article, poem, narrative, cartoon, or persuasive piece, what is

the problem? Whats at issue?

What is the turning point to the


The conflict, or argument always balances on something. Where is the

point made?

Creative connections:

What inferences can you draw from of the cover?

Make connections to other

relevant issues:

Does the article have any obvious relationships to you, or the world
around you? Why is it significant, and to who?

Types of evidence:

List as many examples, facts, issues that effect the positions of the
argument/s that you can find.

Directions: Thinking like an editor.

- After having done your analysis, describe what you believe is the value of the piece/article
youve read.
- Would a reader find it useful, or engaging, or helpful to read?
- Sum-up the message in your own words, and make a judgment on its effectiveness.
Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

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