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I HATE YOU! three horrible words which stabbed me right into my soul. What did I do?

How did this happen? Will he forgive me ? All these thinking saturated my thoughts, yet I dont have an answer. But what did I really do? Yes, I slapped him. I slapped him infront of everyone around. How could I be such a jerk? Slapping my best friend who wanted the best for me? I just couldnt believe myself. My heart is shattered, my happiness crumbled and my thoughts collide. The pain is just excruciating and its unendurable. Great, the girl who was known as the vigourous girl is now welled up with tears. You deserve it you fool, where did your brains fly at that time?! - My inner voice screams directly at me. We used to be the best of friends. I mean he still is and will remain the best. We were known as MJ. Not Michael Jackson, but Maisa and Joe. He would always lend me a shoulder to cry on if I needed one, ever-willing to help me in anything, 24 hours of his crappy jokes would make me laugh, his clumsiness makes me burst into tears, his adoring eyes, his mesmerizing voice and his unforgettable smile. He used to flash me the most gorgeous smile Ive ever seen and that would certainly make my day. With him around, I felt elation, happiness. Now, its all gone. Everything was just perfect until I met a new friend. Nahh, an enemy would suit better. Heyy, is that a friend of yours? Lisa said. Somehow, I managed to stammer a yes. Why do you say that anyway? I asked. Errr? Im just asking. Ermm, didnt u know that hes the biggest flirt in school? Infact, in town? Id be mortified to be even seen with that guy. And she (Lisa) continued I was just speechless, and I hovered, not knowing what to do next. And there I saw Joe walking down the stairs with some of his guy- friends discussing trivial matters. Hey Maisa, where have you been? he exclaimed. I ambled towards him and he continued talking. I have been. He said.. And there, I slapped him. I slapped my friend without a baseless reason. He was indeed astonished by my action. What did I do? What made u do such a thing? He added. I just remained silence. Suddenly Lisa came, booming into the silence. Hey Maisa, I was just joking. What made u do that? I mean, like seriously? Dont you have any trust in your friend? Oopss.. I mean your best friend. And she continued jeering. Soon, Joe left- leaving me all alone. Maybe shes right? Im a horrible friend-the worst friend ever. I was being naive, stupid. I got carried away by some stupid girl accusing my best friend of what he never did. I had no freaking trust in him, and for this Ill never forgive myself. At this point of my life, I knew how important was Joe in my life. Oh well, Ive got a feeling that everything is gonna turn out right. Im completely sure hell forgive me, owh, as hes forgiving too! :)))) Maisa

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