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16 Da+ng

Week 6

Descrip)ve complements (2)

The subject of a sentence can be described by a complement following

In Red: causes
In Blue: the eects on the subject

Poten)al Complements

oris place between a verb

and a resulta)ve/direc)onal
complement to indicate
whether a certain result can
be realized or not

(not able to fulll/nish)


not able to fulll/nish)
(not allowed to nish)

When used before a noun or

pronoun, means only.

Direc+onal Complements (2)

Some+mes can be combined with or

Compound Direc+onal Complements

1: Subject + V ++ place word/noun +

B: Subject + V + + + Noun

Simple Direc+onal Complement: Subject + + O + V +

Compound Direc+onal Complement: Subject + O + V + (+place
word) +

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