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True or false a partir de lectura de Eric Hobsbawm

1. La ideologa marxista y la lectura del Manifiesto del partido comunista

influyo en su formacin acadmica.

2. Los profesores Llewellyn Smith y Munia Postan en Cambridge no influyeron

en su carrera profesional.
3. Luego de la 2da. Guerra Mundial

el Grupo de Historiadores del Partido Comunista influy tambin en su trabajo histrico.

4. La Sociedad para el Estudio de la Historia del Trabajo se fund a en la primera dcada del siglo XX, antes de las Guerras Mundiales.

Answers: 1. Verdadero.
PO: And how did you come to be a historian? What were the factors involved in that? EH: Well, I became very interested in history in general through becoming a schoolboy Marxist and reading the Communist Manifesto 2. Falso. Certainly at school there was a practical influence of my teacher, the late Llewellyn Smith, who pushed me and in fact leant me his own books, and referred my essays to his fathers friends, like the Webbs. But he was no influence intellectually. In Cambridge the major influence was Munia Postan, who was Professor of Economic History then... 3. Verdadero. And the other major influence of course was, again in the ten years after the Second World War, the so-called Historians Group of the Communist Party, which contained quite a number of people who later on became quite well known in the field. The discussion within that, the combination of both regular discussion and friendship, was enormously stimulating and helpful and helped us to push forward our own historical development... 4. Falso. When we founded the Society for the Study of Labour History in 1960 we already had a certain number

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