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There are days when nothing goes right.When everything you do turns to dust.

you try and try but nothing makes it better.Then there are days full of sunshine even when it rains.everything is great and nothing can go wrong. Unfortunately for Jones this had been one of the former.There had been a lot of those lately. He reached for the bottle and swam inside. He had only ever been drunk once -that was true,although it had lasted 22 years so far- but that was a detail he didn't dwell upon.Alcoholics don't generally bother with small details like the fact that they can't face life sober.That is not to say that they are always senselessly drunk,just that sometimes they think they function better with alcohol than without it. That,of course,is utter crap.Jones knew it.He drank because he liked,no loved it.He drank to be happy,no-not to be sad.He drank because he had to.Because he had to.

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