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I Cry I cry for the child who goes unfed. I cry for the child who goes unloved.

I cry for the child who is not taught to read. I cry for the child who is not made to believe That he deserves more from this world he was born into. I rejoice for each child who finds a way. I rejoice for each child who discovers hope. I rejoice for each child who is taken in. I rejoice for each child who receives a gift That lifts her out of the world she lives in, And gives her a reason to fight for more than the world saw fit to grant her. To fight To fight To fight And then for the for the for the to fill right to be acknowledged and respected. chance to be educated and employed. resources and freedom to build a better life it with friends and lovers and children.

I cry for myself for I cannot feed every child. I cry for myself for I cannot love every orphan. I cry for myself for I cannot teach every child What a miracle they are What potential they have How fortunate I feel To have known them. But I rejoice in every person I meet With a smile on their face And a dream in their heart And a plan to do something within their power For the most impotent among us: The invisible children. I know that we all find our own ways In our own time To do what we believe is right. To do what we can for those who come into our lives. And so I need not cry for the world. There is much good that I cannot see. And I should not cry for myself. There is much good I can achieve. But, still, I cry. And, still, I rejoice, And, forever, I will fight. Because emotions fuel my passions Which fuel my actions. So let Let me Let me Let me me cry. sing. grieve. believe in miracles.

Cry with me. Sing with me. Fight with me. And we will find that miracles are not so hard to achieve!

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