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Mini-Essay HW Chapter 2

(10 points HW) Use the following question and key words to write a mini-essay from Chapter 2. Your assignment is to write a mini-essay using ten (10) of these key terms (in context). The best way to get full points is to use ALL the words in your essay. It is better to know more than less because, on the tests, I choose the words that you will use. Please review the mini-essay description Essay must be HAND-WRITTEN and this sheet must be stapled to the back of it. Dont forget your name and number. Key terms MUST be underlined. Please use the terms in context, meaning you need to define them or apply them. E.g., the middle ear includes the malleus, incus, and stapes. You would get points for middle ear, but not for malleus, incus, and stapes. Better: The middle ear is composed of the three smallest bones in the body, the malleus, incus, and stapes. These bones help to amplify sound waves. You would get all the points (4) for this This homework is due on 8/30. Late assignments will not be accepted. Please handwrite your number in the upper right hand corner.

Question #1: Describe the different methods used to predict and explain behavior.
Key Words: Correlation Positive correlation Negative correlation Zero correlation Causation Third variable problem Experimental research Independent variable Dependent variable Confound Internal validity Random assignment Placebo

Single-blind study Double-blind study

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