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Scirpt percakapan Menyapa terhadap orang yang belum dikenal A : Good morning. How are you? B : Good morning.

Im fine and you? A : Im fine, too.

Menyapa terhadap orang yang sudah dikenal Rinto Fadil Rinto Fadil : Helo, Fadil. : Hi, Rinto. How are you? : Im fine and you? : Im fine, too.

Memperkenalkan diri A: Hello, Im Nina. B: Hi, Im Reni. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you too B: Are you new student? A: yes, iam

Memperkenalkan orang lain Ahmad Nina Rini : Hi, Nina. This is Rini. : Hi, Rini. How do you do: Hi, Nina. How do you do

I. Study the incomplete dialogue below. Fill in the missing words while you are listening to the tape. You will listen to the tape three times.

1. Susi Mr. Adi Susi 2. Rinto Fadil Rinto

: Good morning, Mr. Ahmad. : _______________, Susi. How are you? : Im fine. Thank you. : Hello, Fadil. How are you? : ______, Rinto. Im fine and you? : Im fine, too.

3. Nadia : Hi, Im Nadia. Natan : Hello, _________ Natan. : Hello, Im Nina. : Hi, Im Reni. Nice to meet you. : _______________, too.

4. Nina Reni Nina

5. Susi Rudi

: Hi, Rudi. This is Heru. : Hi, Heru. How do you do-

Heru : Hi, Rudi. _________________


I. Listening Script.

1. Susi Mr. Adi Susi 2. Rinto Fadil Rinto 3. Nadia Natan 4. Nina Reni Nina 5. Susi Rudi Heru

: Good morning, Mr. Ahmad. : Good morning, Susi. How are you? : Im fine. Thank you. : Hello, Fadil. How are you? : Hi, Rinto. Im fine and you? : Im fine, too. : Hi, Im Nadia. : Hello, Im Natan. : Hello, Im Nina. : Hi, Im Reni. Nice to meet you. : Nice to meet you, too. : Hi, Rudi. This is Heru. : Hi, Heru. How do you do: Hi, Rudi. How do you do

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