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Contingency Plan

Contingency plan is an alternative plan in the event of the changes in the original plan due to unforeseen circumstances like delayed arrival or departure, accidents, floods, fire or unexpected disaster, snow storms or typhoon. Therefore, unconventional arrangements should be made by the tour guide as follow: Itinerary will be reschedule because the place of interest not available for visits or there is a flight delay bad weather caused. Action to take: (a) Inform the tourist agency of the latest development (b) Recommend familiar with places of interest or new places on the itinerary. (c) Inform to the relevant parties. For example hotel, restaurant and drivers. (d) Obtain tour leader and tourist signatures on consent of the changes made. (e) To keep the photocopy of the consent letter which are the tourist signature.

Accommodation is change when there is an increase in the rooms requested by the tourists or the hotel is full house or numbers of the room are incorrect. Action to take: (a) To get approval from the travel agency before any additional room is booked. (b) To get approval from the travel agency to arrange alternative same rate hotel for the tourist. (c) To get the Hotel to arrange alterative same rate or upgrade hotel for the tourists. (d) Should the number of the room required is correct, the travel agency will be notified and approved on any arrangements to be made.

The transportation is rearranged or alternative transport is provided if the coach breaks down, delay or accident and fire on the board of the coach. Action to take: (a) Obtain authorization from the tour agency. (b) Inform tourist of the changes in the tour. (c) Notify relevant parties of changes in the hotel arrangements.

Meals. Rearrange the meals if the restaurants are closed or full house. Action to take: (a) In this instance to identify a similar restaurant for the tourist (b) Obtain authorization from the tour agency.

(c) Make a proper arrangement with the restaurant concerned.

Other contingency may arise like losing of document for examples passport or credit card. If the situation arises the tourist agency be informed and arrangements be made to the tourist concerned for the lost document with the relevant embassy. To overcome such contingencies, keep a photocopy of each and every tourist passport in your group. If any mishap occurs, the records you have will assist them.

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