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DAL TADKA Ingredients: Toor Dhal 1 cup Onion 1 medium sized finely chopped Garlic 3 large flakes finely

ely chopped Mustard 1 level tsp Karavipillai 6-8 - crushed Green chillies 2, finely chopped Asafoetida tsp Methi powder a pinch Turmeric 1 tsp Jeera Powder tsp Jaggery or sugar tsp Lime Juice of one Coriander bunch, finely chopped Salt to taste 1. Soak toor dhal overnight with tsp turmeric and pinch of asafoetida. Boil on stove until mushy but not too smooth. 2. In two tbsps oil, fry mustard, curry leaves, garlic (till light golden) and green chillies. 3. Add the onion, lower the flame and fry till onions are lightly browned. 4. Add the turmeric, jeera powder, asafoetida/methi, jaggery and stir. 5. Add lime juice and let the masala cook for a minute or two. Add two tbsps of water, if dry. 6. Add salt 7. Add the Dhal, stir well and let it infuse for 5-10 minutes. 8. Dhal should be pouring consistency and not too watery. 9. Garnish with chopped coriander.

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