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Integer Activities

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 11:04 AM

Adding Integers Page 1

Adding Integers Page 2

Work out only problems that add negatives (negative and positive or two negatives). Click the Harder link at the bottom to have Fun Brain give you harder problems. 1. Create a page in One Note in the Adding Integers Section called "Adding Integers Activity". 2. Complete 8 problems. Take a screen shot using your SnipIt tool of each problem and copy and paste each problem into One Note. 3. Type a paragraph explaining how to add integers on a number line. 4. Draw 1 + -1 on a number line and write the problem and solution. 5. Draw 2 + -2 on a number line and write the problem and solution. 6. Draw -5 + 5 on a number line and write the problem and solution. 7. What happens anytime you add two numbers with opposite signs?
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Adding integers on a number line is a very easy process. To add integers on a number line, draw a line with arrows on both ends. Next, put a hash mark in the middle of the line. This mark will be zero, so put a zero right above the mark. Next add more hash marks on both sides of the zero. On the right, number them 1,2,3 On the left number them -1,-2,-3

To add on a number line you start at the number that you want to start at by putting a dot there. Next, you decide which operation you would like to do. If you would like to do addition, then you go to the right. If you want to do subtraction, then you go to the left.

Adding Integers Page 3

Adding Integers Page 4

Adding Integers Page 5

Adding Integers Page 6

Adding Integers Page 7

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