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/Issue 9



Road Safety
and Youth

Fourth European
Road Safety Day:
of Youth in
Road Safety

Road Safety and Youth

on how to help
victims of road
accidents abroad

. 15-30 ,
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2011 2020

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The number of the road accidents victims has exceeded the 1,300,000 globally. According to the statistics, young people between 15 30 years old, especially men, is a
vulnerable group. Some of the main causes of road accidents are the use of alcohol and
drugs, non-use of helmet, the non-use of a seatbelt, the high speed, the tiredness and
the distraction while driving. According to the general framework of the Road Safety:
Policy Orientation on Road Safety 2011 2020 of the European Commission, some
actions should take place at European, national, regional and national level.
To sum up, the Road Safety is a topic that should concern the public and the private
institutions but also each citizen.
Find useful information, statistics and video in the website of the European
Commission for the Road Safety.

Safer Nights
Road Safety


Contact us

The video of the European Commissions Road Safety campaign.

Useful Links

Cyprus EU


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25 2012 .

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15-30 .


Useful Publication: Youth and Road Safety Kit .
Source: Youth for Road Safety.

European Youth
Forum for
Road Safety

Youth for
Road Safety

Fourth European Road Safety Day:

Active involvement of Youth in Road Safety
The conference Active Involvement of Youth in Road Safety took place on the 25th of
July 2012 in Nicosia. It was organized by the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the
European Union and the European Commission to commemorate the Fourth European
Road Safety Day.
Representatives of youth organizations, the European Union, governments and other road
safety stakeholders exchanged views and good practices about the Road Safety. There is
a crucial need to raise awareness because in Europe, the main cause of death for young
people between 15 30 years old, are the road accidents.
The conference incorporated three workshops where a dialogue between the participants
and Road Safety experts from the European Union and neighboring countries, was developed. The main workshops outcomes were: zero tolerance on driving under the influence
of alcohol, continuous Road Safety education starting at an early age and launch of special
programmes of re-training addressed to repeated traffic offenders.
Find all the speeches and presentations HERE.
Useful Publication: Youth and Road Safety Kit .
Source: Youth for Road Safety.

Useful Links

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Useful Links

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Design 2012

Design 2012

Voiture & Co 14-29

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. 19 2012.

Useful Links

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Competition of the European Road Safety Charter

Road Safety

Be a Road Safety
Blogger and win a
one month internship
in Barcelona

European Road Safety Charter:

The European Road Safety Charter is an initiative of the European Commission. The
aim of the initiative is to raise awareness about the crucial need to decrease the
number of the fatal road traffic crashes.
It provides the opportunity to institutions, associations and companies who are
engaged in the Road Safety topic to exchange ideas and good practices at a European
level. In addition, the actions of the associations who signed the European Road
Safety Charter are more visible at a European level.
For more information click HERE.

Competition of the Road Safety Charter:

Be a road safety blogger, participate in the ERSC Contest and win a one-month
internship in Barcelona!!!
Road traffic injuries are the main cause of death among young people aged 15-19year-olds globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the notion that
the road traffic crashes are unavoidable needs to be challenged by developing a
pro-active approach dealing with the decrease of the fatal accidents.
The young people are called to express their opinion and also exchange ideas and
views about the Road Safety by publishing a blog with a message relevant to the
certain topic, on the website of the European Road Safety Charter.
The current situation may change through the involvement of the young people.
Participants Profile: EU citizens between 18-29 years old.
Deadline: 1st October 2012.
For more information click HERE.

Useful Links

Page 6

European Design Contest 2012

Voiture&Co is inviting EU young people between 14 and 29 to participate to this
contest by designing their dream motorcycle or scooter jacket. The aim is to make road
safety prevention more fun and invite young people to wear safety equipments when
driving a motorcycle or a scooter. Because wearing the helmet is a good thing, but
having complete protections is better! Entrants have to download the graphic of the
jacket and let their imagination create the jacket of their dreams. Mangas and cartoons
are not allowed. Each contestant can submit up to two entries
Deadline: 30th November 2012.
For more information click HERE.
Contest 2012

EC consultation on
how to help victims
of road accidents

EC consultation on how to help victims of road accidents abroad

Around 130 million Europeans have planned a holiday in another European Union
country this year. Some holidaymakers will get caught up in road traffic accidents, either
on the way or during their break. After they recover from the accident a new problem
often arises: how can they claim compensation if they are a victim of an accident in a
country other than their own, where they can file their claim and what is the deadline for a
compensation claim. For this reason the European Commission is inviting citizens,
organisations and public authorities to give their opinion on possible measures to help
the victims of road accidents abroad to claim compensation. This action is a part of the
multidimensional policy of the EU towards victims that the Commission is developing
following the Communication "Strengthening victims' rights in the EU. The survey is open
until 19th November 2012.
Fore more information click HERE

Useful Links

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Safer Nightlife Links.

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Useful Links

Page 9

Interview: Safer Night

Road Safety Part A
The Prevention and Counseling Services Section of the Youth Board of Cyprus, through
the programme Safer Nights aims to raise awareness on topics such as road safety,
drugs, alcohol etc. Due to the special publication about the Road Safety the Eurodesk
Cyprus had an interesting conversation about Road Safety with the psychologist Olivia
Kanapitsa and the social worker Tasos Trattonikolas.

Cyprus Antidrug

Youth Board of

Safer Nightlife Links.

Hello, firstly could you give us some general information about the Safer Nights
programme, such as when was it launched and its goals?
Olivia: The programme is part of the National Strategy on Alcohol. The actions of the
Safer Nights programme began in November 2011. The goal of the programme is to
raise awareness among the young people about the dangers of the alcohol overconsumption when they go out to have fun. The message we want to pass to the young
people is to go out, to have fun but also to find a way to return home safely.
The consumption of alcohol and drugs are two of the main causes of fatal road
accidents. How do you approach the young people in order to inform them about
those topics?
Tasos: The programme is under the Prevention and Counseling Services Section of the
Youth Board of Cyprus, so, it has a preventive approach. The actions of the
programme, take place mostly during the night. We go to clubs, pubs, bars and to many
events where we inform young people. Firstly we ask them if we may talk to them for
2-3 minutes about the Safer Nights programme and then we inform them about the
dangers of over- consumption of alcohol and drugs. During the informative session we
highlight that we are not against the alcohol consumption but we are opposed to the
over-consumption of alcohol. Driving under the influence of alcohol increases the
probability to be involved in road accident because we are careless.
Olivia: We provide information through games such as quizzes, myth or truth, right or
wrong. Furthermore, we created games with images which are relative to dangers of
driving under the influence of alcohol.
How do the young people react when you approach them;
Tasos: Almost 100% reacts positively because we approach them in a funny way. The
informative session lasts up to 3 minutes in order not to be boring. The majority thinks
that the informative session is pleasant due to the fact that they have the chance to tell
their own experiences. Moreover, some of them tell us that if they drink they will not
drive, which is a rewarding action. The construction of a Road Safety culture is built by
rewarding the appropriate behaviors. At the end, we give a bag with informative material
and a t-shirt.

Page 10

Interview: Safer Night

Road Safety Part B
Olivia: We dont say to the young people dont drink but we recommend the one who is going to drive not to drink
or to call a taxi. Its better to pay something more and go back home safely, than taking the risk to drive under the
influence of alcohol.
The consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol or/and drugs are well known, why the young
people are not sensitized? Our country is on the top of the list regarding the fatal road accidents.
Olivia: Maybe they overestimate their abilities, maybe they think that this is not going to happen to me, we
observe that when we approach them. They are ignorant of the danger. Usually they say to us this is not going to
happen to me because I am careful ignoring that driving under the influence of alcohol is more likely to be involved
in a car accident because you are not able to react immediately.
Tasos: I think that we should develop a Road Safety culture. The aim of the programme is to inform the young
people on topics they are aware of, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, and remind them the
already existing dangers.
How can the state and the owners of clubs, pubs, bars etc, contribute to change the current
Olivia: The Traffic Department of the Police has already launched good initiatives such as the The Driver of the
Peer and the Strategic Plan for Road Safety.
Tasos: The owners of the clubs, pubs, bars etc should understand that the goal of the programme Safer Nights is
not the decrease of alcohol consumption but the decrease of alcohol over-consumption. Inside the clubs, it would
be nice if there was a place where young people could go to relax and drive when they feel ok.
Olivia: It is already implemented in some countries such as Sweden and Belgium. Furthermore, there are experts
who may recommend if someone is able to drive or not. However, in those places it would be good to offer water for
free and First Aids.
Tasos: Also, the public transportation should be improved. There is a night bus until 2 o clock a.m, whereas the
clubs close at 4 a.m. The current situation will be improved if there is a cooperation between many institutions,
services and stakeholders.
According to you, Which should be the role of the police?
Olivia: Generally speaking, the Traffic Department of the Police is doing a good effort. I think a more regular speed
limit control in the highway, should be launched. I observed that, in the highway, the police doesnt stop the drivers
who exceed the speed limit. Additionally, the police could give some statistics and data to informative programmes
about the Road Safety, because this will contribute to develop better the programmes.
Tasos: The Police should develop a partnership with schools and universities so that continuous education could be
established and implemented from an early age. Also, the Police should develop partnership with clubs, pubs, bars
and other state stakeholders.
Thank you for the information and the interesting conversation.

Eurodesk Cyprus

6, Evgenias and Antoniou
1060 Nicosia
Phone: 00357-22402613
Fax: 00357-22402630



Share with us your opinion and your experiences in

Youth programs and activities.
Through email at:

Every month we will publish to our newsletter the most

interesting story .

, ,
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You may find information about European opportunities and youth policies in the Youth Information Centres in Larnaka, Kato Polemidia, Agros
and Pafos. Contact email:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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