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pen (Latin penna, feather) is a device used to apply ink to a surface, usually paper, for writing or drawing penal

(adj.) "pertaining to punishment," mid-15c., from O.Fr. peinal (12c.), from M.L. penalis, from L. poenalis "pertaining to punishment," pendant (n.) c.1400, "loose, hanging part of anything," from Anglo-Fr. pendaunt "hanging" pendulous c.1600, from L. pendulus "hanging down penetration c.1600, from L. penetrationem (nom. penetratio) "a penetrating or piercing," peninsula 1530s, from L. pninsula, lit. "almost an island pensive mid-14c., from O.Fr. pensif (11c., fem. pensive), from penser "to think," from L. pensare "weigh, consider," pentad 1650s, from Gk. pentas, pentada group of five (see five). Meaning period of five years baggage mid-15c., "portable equipment of an army; plunder, loot," from O.Fr. bagage "baggage, (military) equipment" ( baguette 1727, a type of architectural ornament, from Fr. baguette (16c.), from It. bacchetta, lit. "a small rod," dim. of bacchio "rod," from L. baculum "a stick" ambagious (adj.) 1650s, from Fr. ambagieux, from L. ambagiosus, from ambages "circuits, circumlocutions, latex (n.) 1660s, "body fluid," from L. latex (gen. laticis) "liquid, fluid," probably from Gk. latax "dregs,"

ball (n.2) "dancing party," 1630s, from French, from O.Fr. baller "to dance," from L.L. ballare "to dance," from Gk. ballizein "to dance, jump about agglomerate (v.) 1680s, from L. agglomeratus, pp. of agglomerare "to wind or add onto a ball platoon (n.) 1630s, from Fr. peloton "platoon, group of people" ( bale (n.) "large bundle or package," early 14c., from O.Fr. bale "rolled-up bundle," cotillion (n.) type of dance, 1766, from Fr. cotillion (15c.), originally "petticoat," Maximilian masc. proper name, from L. Maximus and Aemilianus, both proper names. sanctity late 14c., from O.Fr. sanctit, from L. sanctitatem (nom. sanctitas) "holiness, sacredness cellulite 1968, from Fr. cellulite, from cellule "a small cell" (16c.), from L. cellula "little cell," dim. of cella

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