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3 The Liar The desk was his hiding place.He hid in plain sight.

All too easy to do when people looked past you all the time.He didn't rue that fact.there was something refressingly honest about being ignored.None of the inane platitudes that so sickened him. False faces for empty people.Concern about his welfare from idiots that didn't really give a damn about him.Fools that thought they knew about him were simply irritating beyond belief.Here at least that was not a problem. The office was big,almost cavernous.The rows of desks crammed together gave him enough space to hide in.The high turaround of staff meant that comradeships couldn't form.No-one could tolerate the grind of paperwork and the incessant pressure for long.Mistakes were not tolerated here.Make one and you were treated as if you'd just committed genocide.The supervisor was a world class psycho, he mused,-fine one minute and well...... insane the next.The mood swings were bad enough,but coupled with the sarcasm...well, that was well above and beyond what was called for. He loved it. People couldn't stand it for long.He was no ordinary person though.He was Special.Chosen.Unique. The poor fools couldn't understand it.Thier tiny minds incapable of understanding his greatness,the role for which he had been chosen.Soon the fools would say with pride and awe I used to work with him. They would remember him.His works.He was, after all, a prophet. He forced his mind back to the task in hand.Not yet,he told himself. Soon.

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