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Deskripsi megaskopis.

Rumus Mineral Jenis

kimia dan sistem Kristal. assosiasi.

komoditi utama. mineral.

Keterdapatan. Foto

Chemistry: Au, Elemental gold

Crystal System is isometric; 4/m bar 3 2/m Color is golden "butter" yellow. Luster is metallic. Transparency is opaque. Crystal Habits include massive nuggets and disseminated grains. Also wires, dendritic and arborescent crystal clusters. Cleavage is absent. Fracture is jagged. Streak is golden yellow. Hardness is 2.5 - 3 Specific Gravity is 19.3+ (extremely heavy even for metallic minerals) Associated Minerals include quartz, nagyagite, calaverite, sylvanite, krennerite, pyrite and other sulfides. Other Characteristics: ductile, malleable and sectile, meaning it can be pounded into other shapes, stretched into a wire and cut into slices. (ductile, malleable and sectile yang
berarti dapat ditumbuk menjadi bentuk lain, membentang ke kawat dan dipotong-potong.)

Notable Occurrences include California and South Dakota, USA; Siberia, Russia; South Africa; Canada and other localities around the world. Best Field Indicators are color, density, hardness, sectility, malleability and ductility.

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