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NECRON CANOPTEK ACANTHRITES ..................................................

Canoptek Acanthrites are murderous Necron constructs designed to serve a single purpose to destroy and demolish. Armed with high-powered thermal cutting beams and a slicing tail barb fitted with a hyper-phased voidblade they can carve through, slice and dissemble any solid matter they encounter, from granite to ceramite armour with frightening ease, and when their weapons are turned on frail flesh the results are horrific to behold. Resembling monstrous, artificial insects larger than a man, Acanthrites are propelled through the skies by a combination of repulsors and flickering tenebrous fields of force which give the impression of enfolding them in shadowed wings. Often encountered at the head of Necron assault spearheads and extermination campaigns against trespassers on worlds that once belonged to their dynasties, in battle their numbers vary from a handful leading swarms of lesser scarabs to their feasts, to vast hosts of these abhorrent machine-creatures who, locust-like, can strip down a city to rubble and slaughter its inhabitants in a relentless tide of destruction. Canoptek Acanthrite Unit Composition 3-9 Canoptek Acanthrites Unit Type Jump Infantry WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 5 W 3 I 2 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 3+

Wargear Cutting Beam Voidblade Special Rules Fearless Stealth

Cutting Beam The cutting beam mounted within the Acanthrites thorax is a highly concentrated shaft of thermal energy able to slice apart the toughest materials, dissecting steel, stone and flesh with the precision of a surgeons scalpel blade. Weapon Cutting Beam Range 12" Str 6 AP 2 Type Assault 1, Melta

A unit of Canoptek Acanthrites is a Fast Attack choice for a Codex: Necrons army.

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