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on San - “N S Se eae cael “Aurfonting G Clymita * co LLECTION 2 Of Fourteen {mall . TREATIGES| Concerning the a Firft Matter Philofophers, For the difcovery of their (hitherto fo much concealed ) MERCURY. Whiclr many have ftudi- oufly endeavoured to Hide, but thefe to make Manifeft, for the benefit of Mankind in general. on BS LONDON, Printed for Wiliam Cooper, at the Pelican i in Littlé-Britain., 1680. NOV 30 1912 | rar art + MNieawet favre .S . e e sett QeANG dturifonsina Chymica, or a Cole +} lection of 14 Pieces concerning ‘Y the Firft Matter of the Philofophers ! Mercury. : Five Treatifes of the Philofo- phers Stone. Boyle's Effluviums of Flame and Air. ---> his Difcourf& of Gems and precious Stones. oO ---- his Tracts of the Growth of Metals in their Ore. Starkey’s Pyrotechny, = his Licwor Alchahett The Art of Metals, how to find, know and refine them from their Ore. Grdfrey’s, Abates of “Phyficians, in giving Preventative Phyfick be- fore that People be,fick. Geber the Arabian his Chymical orks, in Englith. . St. Dunjtan ofthe Philofophers Stone. co Burgravius his Vital or Aftral Philofophy, in Englith. ; Tieompfon’s-Chymical Method. ©. wane his Epilogi fies Chymici.. y Wi *

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