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ConscienceThe awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the ur ge to prefer right over wrong. 1.

Antecedent conscienceThe judgment of a person deciding on a moral matter prior to acting on it. Antec edent conscience either commands or forbids, counsels or permits the performance of an act. 2. Consequent conscienceThe judgment of the mind on the morality of an action already performed. The con science either approves what has been done, giving peace to the mind and spiritu al joy, or disapproves of what was done, thus causing remorse and a sense of gui lt. 3. Right/True conscienceThe mind making a correct moral judgment on some action either to be performed o r already done. When the conscience is true, a person's subjective judgment corr esponds to the objective fact that a particular human act is morally good or mor ally wrong. 4. Erroneous/False conscienceThe judgment of the mind when it wrongly decides that something is lawful but th at in fact is unlawful, or vice versa. The error may be due to the false princip les used or because the mind was darkened or confused in its reasoning process. 5. Certain conscienceA state of mind when it has no prudent fear of being wrong about its judgment on some moral issue and firmly decides that some action is right or wrong. 6. Doubtful conscienceA state of mind when it cannot certainly decide for or against a course of actio n and leaves the person unsure about the morality of what one is to do, or what one may have done. One sign of a doubtful conscience is that it gives rise to a positive judgment with a prudent fear of being wrong, or more commonly to a nega tive judgment in which the person does not know whether an act is lawful or not. 7. Tender conscienceA conscience that forms objectively correct judgments with comparative ease even in finer distinctions between good and evil. 8. Lax conscienceAn erroneous conscience when the mind decides on insufficient grounds that a sin ful act is permissible or that something gravely wrong is not serious.

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