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Step into Life Labrador

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September 2012, Issue 72

Fathers Day
Dear Members, family and friends I hope you are all super fit! A happy Fathers day to all the Step into Life Dads! I am the dad of two awesome boys, Brendan 12 and Dylan 9. On Fathers Day each year one of my regrets is that my dad is not with us to enjoy spending the day with us. My dad passed away 15 years ago at the young age of 60 after many years of heart issues caused by smoking, stress and a lack of exercise. If your dad could use some stress relief and health improvement then dont have any regrets take the first step and help them to get into an exercise routine. Invite your dad and any dad that you know to take the first step to better health. Have a fantastic Fathers Day. Have you enjoyed the new discount movie tickets via the Movie Club? We are really excited about this addition to the member benefit program. This week in Melbourne there was a few days where the temperatures were a little warmer and a smell of spring was in the air! It wont be long now and we will all be sweltering with summer in full swing dont wait till then to get into shape! Now is the time to train hard. Train hard and enjoy doing it outdoors. Regards Larry Cohen Director

The Step into Life franchise family is growing. Share it and let your friends know that they too can take a step towards a fun, social and lasting fitness program. Step into Life - making a stand for a healthier generation one person and one community at a time! NEW Step into Life Locations
VIC South Yarra Camberwell (Under New Mng) Templestowe (Under New Mng) Wheelers Hill (Under New Mng) NSW Abbotsbury Camperdown Ettalong WA Belmont Cottesloe East Fremantle Rockingham SA Brighton (Under New Mng)

Timetable Changes
Classes as per timetable for spring each and every day of the week

PS: A reminder that all feedback is welcomed

Local News
Spring is here finally! Yes
I would say that since Gold Coast Marathon weekend (8 weeks ago) there has been an average of 5-6 members sick every week why is this and why so many? QLD has certainly been in a flu epidemic and that has not helped for sure, but each winter members get sick One main reason is the psychological one, is that, its cold, its dark, cant be bothered etc etc we all have those moments and thats ok, but once you miss one week, it is certainly much harder to come back; I am a avid believer that in my experience for every week you miss from training that your fitness levels go back by 3 weeks!!! And so we tell ourselves that its all too hard, and then the sun comes out and we wish that we had stayed on track with our training damn it! Why do I need a goal? Each day we use goals did you know that? Have you ever heard you have 5 minutes to get ready or Im leaving for school Yes....? There is a goal right there! The consequence of not achieving that goal is that you may have to report to the office because you are late Oh No!! The point is that you are accountable for your actions, and we as your trainers want to help you achieve your own individual goals contd. page 4

Comic Relief ha ha ha

Merchandise Gift Ideas for Spring...

Cotton Training Club Special! Only $10.00 each

Shoulder Bag $10.00

Cap $20.00

Socks $12.00

Go to to view more great specials!

Local News
FAQ of the Week - Feed a cold, starve a fever?
Q: I've come down with a cold. Should I go off my diet while I'm sick? Is there any truth to the saying 'Feed a cold, starve a fever'? : The original expression, 'feed a cold and starve a fever' was first written (in Middle English) in a 14th Century storybook, and some sources maintain that the translation today would be more like 'feed a cold and die of fever', meaning if you ate while you were sick with a cold, you'd come down with a fever and likely die. Sounds a little dramatic, but then again, medieval medicine was fairly barbaric by today's standards. With procedures such as bloodletting to cure 'bad blood', you should be glad you live in a time of evidence-based medicine. So, the bottom line is you probably shouldn't take medical advice from the 14th century, let alone advice that has been subject to numerous variations, such as 'feed a cold, stave off a fever' and 'stuff a cold, starve a fever'. The best advice is to listen to what today's medical experts say, which doesn't advocate purposefully starving yourself when you're down with a fever, (or on the other hand, eating to excess to cure your cold). When you're fighting an infection, fluids, good nutrition and rest are your best allies. When you've got the flu and have a fever, you mightn't have much of an appetite, as the region of the brain which functions as the body's central thermostat (the hypothalamus) also regulates eating behaviour. So if you don't feel like eating, just make sure you're getting enough fluids (as you'll be sweating out a lot of water with the fever in an attempt to cool yourself down). Make sure you drinking more water than you usually would, or try weak herbal teas, diluted fruit/vegetable juice and clear broths. Try to have bland foods such as toast if you don't feel like anything. Gradually add other foods as tolerated. Buttered or plain white toast without liquids at the same meal or any food that does not cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or an allergic reaction is allowed. Whether you've just got a cold or you're recovering from the flu, nutrient-rich foods will help your immune system to spring into action and get you back on your feet. Key nutrients when you're sick include: Invading bacteria and viruses cause a lot of damage at the cellular level. Keeping up a good intake of protein foods, which contain zinc will help renew and repair damaged cells. You'll also be getting a good amount of cysteine, an amino acid found in high protein foods which help your body to produce natural antioxidants which will assist in mopping up free radical damage caused by the inflammation surrounding the virus/bacterial infection.

Training Club
Achieving your goals at Step into Life
How close are you to your next Training Club milestone? Goal setting is a key element to gaining fitness, weight loss and improved health benefits. At all Step into Life sessions we add training points to your training club tally (you can see your total on your fortnightly performance report). Points gained are a measure of your commitment to your training. Ask your Trainer to help you set some time lines for your goals. Awards achieved in 50 points Belinda, Kara, Laurren 500 points Nic Harrison

New Members
Welcome! Jacqui Drescher Zowie Lenard Kara Magill Laurren McLeish Ady Nissel Belinda Parfitt Laura Webster

Member Birthdays
Happy Birthday! Tania Corfield Ben Thiel Pat Martin

Member Profile
Who is Tina Waldron?

Where were you born? Sydney What is your current profession? For the past 17 years I have been a Service Supervisor for Big W Runaway Bay What sports have you been involved with during your life/best achievement? Didnt have the opportunity to participate in team sports growing up but did enjoy swimming and tennis

Local News
If your goal simply I want to lose 5kgs would you say that is a good goal to have? on the face of it, pretty simple hey! Or even, I want to do a PB for my 5km or 10km run It is how you tackle it, is the key how strongly do you want to be fitter, have fun and tone up? By building foundations into your training and continuing to educate yourself is a great start, and then it about trusting in your trainers that they are going to deliver to you the best that they can at each session The beauty that is Step into Life is that we are able to cater for the majority of fitness levels and the majority of peoples clear goals; with some accountability from member and trainer you will quite simply succeed, and that is just fantastic! Know where you are at, and know that your Trainers can help you move forward sometimes you need a gentle nudge in the right direction Have fun, keep fit see you in the park Ian

What is your favourite Step into Life session? I enjoy all sessions because they are all very different. What is your favourite naughty treat when your trainers arent looking? Lindt white chocolate What are your top 3 goals you would like to achieve? To be at a weight and fitness level I am happy with. What goals have you achieved at Step into Life so far? Running a 4km time trial under 22 minutes.

Johns Corner
Monthly training tips! 8 Technique tips to get you running like a champion
Did you know that most people make running harder than it needs to be by wasting energy through poor technique? Correcting your running technique means you can save some of that wasted energy to be able to run faster or longer, and reduce the risk of injury. Here are 8 tips for improving your running style: 1. Torso - Be tall - draw up from the top of your head towards the sky. Resist the urge to hunch or slump over especially when tired. 2. Shoulders - Relax your shoulders down and away from your ears. If you carry tension there, every now and then hunch them right up to your ears and relax and let them drop right back down again. Draw your shoulder blades towards each other and down. By this we mean don't allow your shoulders to round forward. Proud chest is best. 3. Eyes - Look at where you are going - try not to stare at your feet or you'll be slumped over in no time! Looking a few metres in front of you is good for safety and technique. 4. Abdominals - Brace your abdominals - pull your navel towards your spine (without holding your breath!) 5. Hands - Place your thumb on the side of your index finger, forming a loose fist. Hands should stay relaxed but controlled. No clinching of the fist as this tenses the whole body! 6. Arms - You should have a 90 degree angle at your elbows. Arms swing naturally, but close to the body, hands around the height of your hips. Watch for arms that wave around - especially as you try to run faster. 7. Stride - Think of your legs as a smooth wheel moving over the ground, not pogo sticks bouncing into the ground. Most people make the mistake of taking strides that are too large and inefficient. Count how many steps you take in one minute whilst running. You are aiming to take 180 per minute no matter what speed you are running. This will take practice and you'll need to work towards this number slowly. Taking smaller steps will eliminate the bounce and make your strides smoother. 8. Mind - Relax, enjoy! If you feel tense try to shake everything out and continue running.

It might seem like a lot to learn but if you spend a little time during every run going over this checklist, all the above tips will become habit. And you'll look like a pro and run more efficiently!

Missing the Olympics? Check this Out

This is an amazing realisation of how much improvement athletics has made since the first Olympics back in 1896. Check out how far Usain Bolt would have beaten all other 100m Olympic Gold Medallists if they raced against each other, up to a staggering 15 metres.

116 years of Olympic medallists compared

From engadget By Terrence OBrien posted Aug 6th 2012 4:46PM (click on the picture below for a larger version)

If you've paid any attention at all to the Olympics over your lifetime one thing may stand out to you - every four years, records seem to crumble. We're getting faster and stronger, not because of evolution, but thanks to science. High speed video has us refining our form, nutritionists are finding the most efficient diet and coaches are timing training schedules for peak performance. Just how much of an impact has this had on athletic achievement? Well, the New York Times decided to plot every medallist from the last 116 years of Olympic games in the 100-meter sprint, the 100-meter freestyle and the long jump. Though records aren't actually shattered every year, there's a clear trend of improvement (with the exception of the long jump). In fact, this year's last place sprinter in the final round would have edged out 1896's gold medalist by more than half a second - and he was battling a groin injury. Hit up the source links to see 116 years of medal winners compared, and the more coverage link to see how athletes are squeezing every last bit of performance from their bodies as we approach the limits of human capability.
Source: New York Times 1,2,3

Turn off your hunger switch this winter.

Instead, eat in moderation and promise yourself another portion for tomorrow. This doesnt give you the now or never type of ultimatum on your body. By the way, always keep your promises! 4. Interpret your body-lingo: You may hear your body telling you to go grab a large pizza or have cheese and crackers for dinner. However, what the body really wants to say is go get warm now. You can then change the craving from having a pizza to a hot cup of tea and a hot water bath. Does the trick most of the time. 5. Dont go empty to a social gathering: Society pressures us into eating and drinking. Before leaving the house, have a bowl of salad or eat fresh fruits. Drink ample water to get that feeling of fullness. According to Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD, founder and director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Centre and associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, When we eat outside the home, studies suggest that we may take in 40% more calories than 1 we would otherwise. A whopping 40%! Imagine that. What tips are you using to turn off your hunger switch this winter? Tell us on our Facebook page!

Come winter, it becomes hard to avoid overeating and gaining weight. Most people will beat themselves up over the binge-eating habit that shows up in winter. However, it is important to realise your hunger pangs are normal. Not convinced? Lets dig a little deeper. Humans are warm-blooded mammals. We experience hunger pangs in winter because we are biologically programmed to feel that way. Its an evolutionary trait that makes the body add weight to it during the cold, dark days. Our ancestors, the cave-men, would find it difficult to hunt or prey for food and the extra fat helped them cope with the cold. While eating is not bad, over-eating is, and during winter it can be attributed to seasonal changes. But since we dont hibernate like bears, we need to channel the pangs in such a way that make winters remain a healthy season. 1. Eat slow: Eating slow allows your body to signal that it is full and no longer hungry. Eat too quick and you will find yourself in the sick and bloated feeling you get when youre stuffed. Studies show that winters add up to at least a kilo to your body and although this doesnt sound like much, think about this: You will have gained weight by at least 10 kilos in a decade! 2. Measure your intake: Make it a point to eat from a plate and measure your portions. Eating from a plate may give your eyes a signal that youre eating more than usual measuring your intake will help you keep binge-eating in check. 3. Treat yourself: Most of us have a tendency to tell ourselves: You can eat this today, but cant have anymore! This causes us to overeat and you may end up eating a whole box of chocolates in one go.

Give Dad a gift he won't forget. Something that will have his heart racing and leave him with lasting memories. Talk to your trainer and gift him a Step into Life Gift Voucher and start his Step into Life experience today!

Tips to Limit alcohol intake.

Healthy Recipe
At Last - Guilt Free Eating!

Sauteed mushrooms on toast

It can be a challenge to limit the number of alcoholic drinks you consume. Here are some tips to help you cut back. Tick the ones that will be most useful for you: Serves: 2 Prep: 10mins

Eat a snack or drink water before you go out so that your stomach is not empty. Decide on the maximum number of drinks you will have. Volunteer to be the designated driver. Make your first drink a large glass of water. Drink only with meals. Drink slowly. Make each drink last. Alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Dilute wine with plain mineral water. Choose low-alcohol beers and wines. Choose a mock tail (non-alcoholic drink) rather than a cocktail. Avoid getting in shouts. Leave your wine glass full. Fellow diners cant refill a full glass. Remember, you dont have to finish the bottle! When you are out, ask others to cut off the (alcohol) tap when they think youve had enough. If you drink to relax or reduce stress, try an alternative activity like going for a walk, reading a good book or watching television.

Cooking: 20mins

15g margarine 100g swiss brown mushrooms, sliced thickly 50g fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced thickly 100g button mushrooms, halved 50g oyster mushrooms, halved 1 clove garlic, crushed 1/8 cup (30ml) salt-reduced beef stock 4 slices sourdough bread 1/8 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1/8 cup coarsely chopped fresh chives

Method Preheat grill. Melt margarine in large frying pan; cook mushrooms and garlic, stirring, about 5 minutes. Add stock; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, about 10 minutes or until mushrooms are cooked as desired. Meanwhile, toast sourdough bread. Stir herbs into mushrooms and serve on toast. MJ Nutrition Matt ONeill
Exchanges per serve

Matt ONeill BSpSc, MSc, APD, AN, Nutritionist, Sunrise & Morning Show

Nutrients per serve 897kj (214cals), 9.9g Protein, 7.0g Fat, 1.1g Saturated Fat, 24.8g Carbs, 1.8g Sugars, 6.1g Fibre, 571mg Sodium
Source: Australian Womens Weekly Slim


Steps to Jumpstart your Metabolism!

Tired of conflicting diet advice? Re-wire your appetite and re-ignite your metabolism through Matt ONeills Metabolic Jumpstart. This 4 week program provides you with a complete metabolically matched diet plan, report & program. For only $49.95 you will receive: Body shape assessment and health risk profile Personal calorie burning times for specific foods Menu plan sample with meals and correct portions Nutrition targets for kj, calories, fat, protein and carb Daily food group exchanges Mix & match guide Motivational Pack posted to you with 8 daily targets, fridge cards, fact sheets and special offers Access to My Jumpstart Online with audio guides, weekly checklists, faqs and discussion posts Enhance your results with your FREE MJ Plus + program (worth $120 per year) when you sign up through a Step into Life trainer for the duration of your membership, and receive: Weekly motivational emails and articles Motivation Planner MJ Recipes Tip Sheets Expert interviews from hormones to intolerances Downloads tools and templates Ongoing support & expert advice from Matt O Neill Access to seminars online Supermarket foods MJ Exchanges


Do you love fitness? Over your job? Want more flexible working hours? Become a Personal Trainer TODAY! The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers, the REAL educator in fitness, has a great offer for Step into Life members. We provide REAL education that supports you throughout your entire fitness career. We will teach and coach you as you progress from study, to a specialised fitness professional Our graduation rate is three times higher than the industry average! We are 100% committed to your fitness career and the following are just some of the benefits youll get from studying with the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers: REAL industry experience All of our courses focus on hands on practical learning, ensuring you receive the highest level of industry experience whilst undertaking your studies. REAL study options - Complete the theory and gain practical experience at your own pace via tailored online learning resources and flexible course programs that fit with your lifestyle. REAL locations across Australia We have the largest network of Campuses and Mentors in Australia, more than any other fitness education provider; there is a campus near you. REAL support You have access to our expert Education Team and student support via email and online, youll never feel like youre doing this on your own. The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers Certificate III & Certificate IV in Fitness is very practical and you learn from some of the most successful personal trainers in Australia. By the end of our course you will have built up the experience and confidence to train immediately, making you a better quality trainer. The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers is working with Step into Life to provide viable career paths. As a graduate you have the opportunity to become a trainer or business owner with a Step into Life franchise. Dont just train become a Personal Trainer and live the life! For more information contact your Step into Life trainer or visit

For more information talk to your trainer.

City to Surf held in NSW on the 12 August, had a huge turnout!


Step into Life Manly, NSW Members participated in a 9.5km walk from Spit Bridge to Manly

Step into Life Edgewater, WA, boxkick session

Step into Life Torquay, VIC, powerflex session

Refer a friend and well give you anything you want!

At Step into Life we value your patronage and the people you refer to us.
Thank you for giving a gift of good health and fitness to your friends and family by referring them to Step into Life. For each friend who joins as a result of your referral to any Step into Life Franchise nationally, you will receive a Step into Life Any Store Gift Card to the value of $25. Use your referral gift card from us to purchase almost anything provided it can be purchased from a store which has eftpos facilities.

Franchise Tour Dates

If you would like to find out more about becoming a Step into Life Franchisee why not attend one of our obligation free Franchise Tours. Call 1300 134 136 to book a seat (limited seats available). NSW Sat 15 September Sydney 7am 9am QLD Wed 19 September Brisbane 5.30pm 7.30pm Sat 22 September Gold Coast 7am 9am SA Wed 19 September Adelaide 5.30pm 7.30pm Sat 22 September Adelaide 7.30am 9.30am VIC Sat 1 September - Melbourne 8.15am to 11am Sat 22 September Melbourne 8.15am to 11am WA Sat 8 September Joondalup 10am 1pm Sat 22 September Joondalup 10am 1pm Sat 6 October Joondalup 10am 1pm

Step into Life has a fantastic opportunity for you to become a qualified Personal Trainer. We are inviting Step into Life members that would like to learn about becoming a Personal Trainer to contact our state offices. We will tell you how easy it is for you to become a qualified Personal Trainer. Every member that decides to go ahead with a Personal Trainer qualification will have access to course discounts at various providers. Contact your state office on 1300 134 136 for more information.

Due to customer demand we have Franchise territories available throughout Australia and New Zealand. If you know anyone with an interest in health and fitness that would love to run a Fitness Franchise, please let them know about this exciting opportunity. $1000 referral bonus for any one you refer that becomes a Step into Life Franchisee.

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
Please support our national and local traders, and take advantage of the discounts they offer to Step into Life members. Simply, show your Step into Life membership key ring to the staff of participating outlets.

Receive a 20% Discount on all Ryders Eyewear Products

To purchase Ryders Eyewear visit and quote the promo code that corresponds to your state SIL-SA-2012 SIL-NSW-2012 SIL-VIC-2012 SIL-QLD-2012 SIL-WA-2012

Discount movie tickets from your trainer


Subscribe to Men's Health and Women's Health magazine for JUST $26 every quarter by automatic credit card payment. You'll SAVE a massive $85 off the full price in the first year. Plus both of these fantastic magazines will be delivered direct to you FREE. Also, this offer is RISK FREE - you can cancel at any time, no questions asked!

Radisson Resorts & Hotels

Members receive discount accommodation at the following Radisson Blue Hotel Sydney Radisson Hotel & Suites Sydney Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens Melbourne Radisson Resort Gold Coast Offers Valid till December 2012. Terms & Conditions available from the Radisson.

SAVE yourself over 43%

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
Free Advertising Space would you like to be a Step into Life Member Benefit call Ian Verrico 0401 629 666

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
Free Advertising Space would you like to be a Step into Life Member Benefit call Ian Verrico 0401 629 666

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
Contact Linda for spring specials for Stand Up Paddle boarding 0423 716 25

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
See Katrin and the Gang for savings off any menu item best coffee on the Coast as well

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
See Britt and the Team to have any injuries fixed 5500 6470 Book in now for an appointment for Physio or Massage

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
See Marjory and the Team for any Migration service based in Chirn Park

Members Benefits
Everyone is rewarded for referring a new member to Step into Life its the least we can do

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
Free Advertising Space would you like to be a Step into Life Member Benefit call Ian Verrico 0401 629 666

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