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Pinocchio Steampunk Rewritten Part II Geppetto got to work. He didnt have much time.

e. The tournament was less than 2 mon ths away and he didnt have all the materials required for the making of a fightin g automaton. He would need all sorts of weapons, armour plates, fuel tanks, wate r tanks, etc. Not to mention the fact that he didnt have a source crystal. No mat ter he had the motivation to do it. He would go to the scrap yard and search for old steambot parts. The source crystal was the bigger issue where could an Ital ian immigrant find a source crystal for close to no money? He was searching for weeks for a crystal but he only managed to find an old cleaning automatons crysta l (irony?) on the Underground Market. He had no choice but to make do with it an d find a laboratory to inscribe some corrections in the code. He managed to pers uade an alchemist, obviously a fan of fighting stembots, to let him use his labo ratory for a while and after reading almost everything there is to read about fi ghters, it took him only a week of work on the crystal. Two weeks before the tournament and his steambot was ready to fight. The only th ing left to do was to learn how to command his new creation and to name it. Gepp etto hadnt felt so alive in years. He decided to call his creation Pinocchio as Pi noc was written on the side of one of the armour plates and he figured he might a s well use it. Pinocchio sounded Italian, sounded proud, and sounded like a winn er. All the moves the mech could perform were incorporated into his crystal but it s till needed to get used to Geppettos voice and obey his orders. Geppetto was real ly fond of his creation. Pinocchio was one of the most complex steambots he had built. The fact that it was assembled from scrap metal he could get his hands ma de him all the more proud with it. Pinocchio reminded him of the good old days i n Italy. There was something about that automaton that made Geppetto feel at hom e something, he hadnt felt in a long, long time. The weeks passed quickly and the time for the tournament came. Geppetto took Pinoc chio and went to sign him up. When they got to the Grounds of Destruction (the a rena on which the tournament would be held), Geppetto started feeling doubt. He looked at Pinocchio a steambot 6 feet tall, armour plated with parts of differen t fallen robots, with two gearwheels for eyes and little rod for a nose. These t wo weeks Pinocchio was helping Geppetto around the house he was cleaning, choppi ng wood and, generally, did everything Geppetto told him. When he looked at the other mechs ready to destroy each other in the Mech Fighting Tournament and he ima gined them smashing Pinocchio, he decided he didnt want to use creation for purpo ses of destruction he was a creator and he finally remembered that. He wanted to use his talent for the purpose of making, not destroying. He decided to let his ego step aside and took Pinocchio home. He would later make many other steambots for domestic purposes and become a succ essful mech merchant but he never got rid of Pinocchio he was always the first.

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